The PA Department of Community & Economic Development has approved $60,000, through an LSA Monroe Grant, for West Easton’s proposed Public Works Building.
Though the amount is far less than our request of $301,000 in grant money for the building, it could allow for a scaled back version of a building that would provide shelter and storage of borough equipment and vehicles.
West Easton would be required to match the grant with $50,000 of its own money, the amount committed in the original application. West Easton’s budget for the building has been $90,000, if no grant was awarded.
If Council approves accepting the grant it would mean getting $110,000 worth of a building for $50,000 of our own money. While the building may not have all the amenities hoped for on the original application, some might be possible to add in the future with additional grant applications and by using the $40,000 that remains from the budgeted amount.
The Public Works Building would be located on Ridge Street. It might not have all that was hoped for, but it will have four walls and a roof to protect borough owned equipment from the elements, while freeing up much needed space in Borough Hall, where two road trucks are currently housed.
A majority vote of Council would be needed to move ahead with the project and accept the grant.
UPDATE 1/25: I have been informed by our grant writer that our $50,000 commitment could possibly be lowered due to the amount of the grant awarded, which was lower than the amount applied for in our original application.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.