As most are aware, since 2016, West Easton’s Mayor and Council have made improvements not only internally to office operations and transparency in our local government, but externally in a number of projects, including fixing roads, starting a police force, building a public works garage, and others.
One of these projects is creating a more aesthetically appealing passive park where the war monuments and flag pole reside on a small parcel of property near Borough Hall. When completed, it will provide adults a place to reflect and relax, in relative peace and quiet.
It’s a 3-phase project that is hoped to be completed in 3 years, as grants will be sought to pay for much of the cost.
Phase One of the plan to make improvements to our War Monument Park began weeks ago with the removal of trees and shrubs. Last week saw work continue again with the breaking of ground that will result in a “Broken Column” fountain installed behind the flag pole.
A broken column is representative of lives cut short and is most often associated with members of the military who died in service to their country.
The Broken Column fountain will not be celebratory in nature, like those that spray a stream of water above and splash into a bowl, or pool, enticing children to play around it.
Instead, the water will emerge from the top of the 5′ column and run down its length, representing the tears shed for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. There will be no standing water at ground level, as it is designed to allow the water to pass through the porous pavers below it.
Following their breaking ground last week when they removed a large tree stump and dug out the area, Daniels Landscaping returned again yesterday, leveling the area where the pavers will be installed and also setting up the pump reservoir.
This first phase of the project, costing approximately $18,000, was covered by grant money from two separate grants awarded to the borough.
Because the project afforded the opportunity to repair and upgrade electrical service to the property, that work is being done in tandem with the fountain project. Our flag will soon be lighted again at night, following the installation of a new energy efficient spotlight.
If weather cooperates, it is expected the fountain and circular paver area will be installed in time for Memorial Day.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.