A large delivery truck, that should not have been traveling through the borough as a shortcut to Johnston Trucking, found an unexpected detour at Seventh Street, made a right onto Keystone Avenue, and struck a fire hydrant at the corner of the intersection.
The result was a blown right rear tire on the truck’s trailer and a broken fire hydrant supply line that sent water and mud into the street. The sidewalk where the hydrant was installed also sustained damage, breaking and heaving from the water.
A State Trooper responded to a call from our Borough Manager, Joan Heebner. Joan was informed of the incident almost immediately by resident, Mr. Bill Bogari, Sr.
Mr. Wes Beers, who lives in a home near the hydrant also witnessed the incident.
The truck, owned by Sunshine Trucking, continued on without stopping, though the driver did return later and it’s good for him that he did.
I arrived on the scene at about the same time the trucker returned and after the water had been turned off by a water company employee (the picture above is the Suburban Water Company employee, not the driver of the truck).
The State Trooper had located the parked truck and was taking pictures of the damage to the truck when he was informed by a Suburban Water Company employee that the driver returned in a private vehicle.
As the State Trooper was taking the driver’s information, I did overhear the Trooper tell the driver if he hadn’t returned the consequences would have been much greater for him.
The fire hydrant is on an isolated water line and no residents were affected with loss of water.
Suburban Water Company plans on repairing the line as soon as possible. Sunshine Trucking’s insurance provider is expected to cover all costs of the repair.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.