West Easton resident Tricia Mezzacappa was ordered to pay a Lehigh Valley blogger more than $67,000 for defaming him, according to The Express-Times and the blogger, Bernie O’Hare.
The Express-Times article can be found HERE.
Bernie O’Hare’s blog post can be found HERE.
I would usually feel sorry for someone like Tricia Mezzacappa, but I got to know her when I was the subject of her questionable reasoning faculties that she expressed on her hate blog.
I brought my own criminal case of harassment against her, that she survived by not testifying. Though, testimony from my employer, whom she called directly in an attempt to defame my character and get me fired, proved to many exactly the type of person she is and how she won’t hesitate to slur a person’s good name.
Though I lost the criminal case against her, it exposed her modus operandi and her character, or possible lack of character, depending on how you view it.
I was already advised a civil case would be far easier to win, if I felt I wanted to pursue the matter. Personally, Mezzacappa became a pimple on my ass. It would occasionally flare up, but I realized nobody else cared about what she had to say any longer. She is viewed by most as a radical and unbalanced individual who is seen as an amusing diversion.
She is persona no grata to the community and her own political party. Her own blog has ruined her own reputation.
Unlike me, Bernie O’Hare had the patience to deal with the court system and Mezzacappa’s numerous attempts to derail the process along the way.
It took Mr. O’Hare almost two full years to get the justice and judgment he deserves (spelled, “judgement” in Mezzacappa’s world).
For many on the West Easton Council, our mayor, the solicitor, and others throughout the area whom Tricia Mezzacappa has made the subject of her hateful rants, we may not be compensated monetarily, but we did see justice served and the self-proclaimed “Pro Se” loud mouth provided with a big heaping helping of crow.
Maybe now she’ll have learned that the First Amendment has its limits and isn’t the all encompassing protective shield she believes allows her to say anything, about anyone, without her being held accountable.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.