The first regular meeting of West Easton Council, following a reorganization, is usually a long one and I expect tonight’s meeting will be no exception.
I’ve been reviewing the needs of the borough and preparing for a number of items scheduled for tonight’s meeting.
In doing so I find neither the need or desire to address the insignificant and unworthy background noise that is desperately seeking my attention. I have better things to do.
There will be a number of items on the Agenda.
The format of Agenda itself, will remain relatively unchanged. Two Public Comment sections will remain.
The first “Public Comment” opportunity will be for those items listed on the Agenda.
The second “Public Comment” opportunity will be open to any comment the public wishes to address to Council.
It is hoped an appointment will be made to fill the vacant 2-year seat tonight.
There will like be an appointment to the Vacancy Board.
Committee assignments will be announced. There will be some changes to a few committee names and their responsibilities.
Chief of Police Robert Mahady will attend to give an update on the part-time police department progress.
A number of “Old Business” items will be brought up.
“New Business” will have an item, possibly more than one.
“Council Roundtable” will likely have some discussion.
I’ll try to keep my Council President Report short, so nobody nods off.
Hopefully, everyone will be able to go home at a relatively decent hour. I look forward to seeing you tonight!
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.