Tricia Mezzacappa, aka, Tricia Phillips, has been busy the last few months with the vitriol on Facebook.
She was so, well… Mezzacappa. Personal vendettas against so many, from a narcissist.
Mostly, she wallowed in enjoyment of my September announcement of my resignation from Council, that was to take effect on midnight, December 31st of last year.
Obviously, she was unaware I had withdrawn my Letter of Resignation in October, and when she discovers my leaving Council isn’t happening, she’ll be more heated than Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4, in 1986.
Put on your radiation suits everyone.
Back in September, I hoped my Letter of Resignation for my own reasons might have an additional benefit of her obtaining some self-control. Perhaps her lies, accusations, criticism of the borough and personal attacks on others would become less commonplace.
Instead, she took it as an indication of her “Winning!” She actually got worse, as difficult as that is to believe.

That’s not to say I didn’t get a lot of amusement seeing her bray and whinny with delight about me leaving Council, leading up to her victory dance after the new year arrived (with added emojies: clapping hands, clapping hands, raised fist, big smile, laughing to tears).
For her, the realization I’ve remained on Council will be like having looked at a beautifully wrapped Christmas present for weeks, anticipating the arrival of Christmas morning, only to open it and find a chunk of coal.
Beginning the night I first submitted my Letter of Resignation I had members of Council asking me to reconsider. In the month that followed, residents urged me to stay with one promising to call me repeatedly and “nag” me into changing my mind, as she put it. Another told me they voted for me to serve a 4-year term and unless I was dying, leaving after two years, “wasn’t right.”
Feedback I received on my job performance and that of Council beginning in 2016 was only positive. That’s not to say there aren’t some who have disagreed with a vote or two I’ve made on issues, but even they told me that overall, I’ve done a decent job as a Councilman and I should remain.
All that support was no small factor in my deciding to remain on Council and is greatly appreciated.
My planned retirement from work will likely be extended out a couple of years. I will still follow through on that county opportunity mentioned in my resignation letter. I see nothing in the guidelines of eligibility that says I can’t be on Borough Council to obtain it.
I am confident that Mezzacappa, when she discovers I’ve stayed on Council, will undoubtedly be triggered again. This time, into another unhinged frenzy of vicious rants, juvenile memes, RTKs, more stalking, and other forms of retaliation she can dream up.
I can see it now. “Proof, Dees is a liar! He promised to leave Council and didn’t.” There will be more stone throwing in her glass house. She’ll have to cancel her parade-of-one, and her celebration.

As an example of her Bizarro World, at left, she submits I took pleasure in her mother’s death and smeared her mother’s name on the Internet, among her various complaints.
I never took pleasure in the death of her mother, nor disparaged her mother in any manner.
I referenced Tricia putting her mother in a terrible position that ultimately resulted in her paying blogger Bernie O’Hare $40,000 to settle a lawsuit that originated with Tricia. Tricia got her mother involved, when she illegally transferred ownership of her home to her mother, to avoid paying O’Hare his $67,000 judgment – resulting from her defaming him on the Internet. I downloaded a document already on the Internet that is available to the public, related to that settlement. This, she claims was the, “smear.”
Personally, I don’t believe Mezzacappa informed her mother of the legal ramifications in accepting that transfer of ownership.
A Northampton County judge explained to Mezzacappa why there was no defamation, before tossing one of her lawsuits she filed against the borough.
She states I am also lining my pockets on Council. “Feather his nest,” she wrote. I’ll assume she is referring to the $1200/yr. in Council pay that took effect in 2019. That’s a whopping, $100/mo., up from the $75/mo. I received when I was first elected.
Not surprisingly, she conveniently doesn’t mention I voted against the raise.
If she thinks that “huge” sum of money can feather a nest, it would have to be spent on actual feathers. Though, in fairness to a person without a full-time job and deep in debt, it may seem like a small fortune.
What she can’t, and will never understand is that those of us now serving on Council, don’t do it for the small stipend we receive, we do it because we care about West Easton.
At times though, I expect I’ll have this occasional thought.
Moving forward, I’ll continue to serve West Easton residents as best I can, striving to make improvements to our borough and trying to ignore the mendacious attacks from the ignorant malcontent.
UPDATE 1/8/20: True to form and confirming my predicted meltdown of her, Mezzacappa took less than 48 hours to post juvenile memes, twist what I wrote into her own demented version of events, lie that I do not support police, and other bizarre thoughts. On one of her FB rants, she posted more than 42 comments to herself, using her own posts from the past.
UPDATE 1/11/20: She has now listed residential and business addresses I’ve used in my 60 years, including phone numbers associated with them.
UPDATE 1/13/20: Posing as an “Independent Journalist,” she has apparently reached out to anyone with the last name of, Dees, and my family relations, seeking their comments. For more on this obsessive and psychotic behavior, CLICK HERE.
This from someone who claims I’m stalking her. I’ve run out of adjectives to describe just how cRaZy she has become. Is there a psychiatrist who can offer her help, Pro Bono?
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.