For those who don’t understand the reference, the Star Chamber was an English Court of Law established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people, so powerful, that ordinary courts would likely hesitate to convict them of their crimes. Over time, the Star Chamber evolved into a political weapon, a symbol of the misuse and abuse of power by the English monarchy and its courts.
My election to Council has allowed me access to the Inner Sanctum. A fortress of secrets it seems to have been, for many years in a lockdown status.
However my position as Councilman also presents a problem for me in continuing to write opinion pieces. Some of what is being discovered, on specific actions performed, I can’t write as an opinion. I don’t know what may end up in the Executive Session portion of Council meetings.
I can’t write about them until they become public knowledge and it isn’t up to me to decide when that should happen and even then, I may not be able to provide any additional information, other than what is released to the public on advice of our solicitor, or by some other party that brings it up publicly.
Other opinions I can give.
What I can tell you is the secrecy and oppressive nature that existed within the walls of Borough Hall, before the Star Chamber was dismantled, continues to leave me in disbelief.
It’s going to take a lot of work putting everything right and I’m not putting nearly as much work into it as others are. My hours are limited due to my job.
While I can help with some technology issues and occasionally searching for paperwork, Council President Dan DePaul is trying to rebuild an office and Borough relationships that was left in shambles when the outgoing Council President performed what can only be described as a scorched earth policy on her way out.
Frankly, we were left with a cluster ****. There was no proper transition of power and what I personally believe was a planned effort to see the new Council fail. Whether it was out of spite, or some other dark reasoning, what we found wasn’t anything close to reflecting the departed Council President’s personal missive she sent out recently. If what she left in her wake was an indication of her statement, “It was a labor of love because I was born and raised in West Easton and I have a special place in my heart for our little community,” then she might as well sell water to a drowning man.
I’m not buying it.
At the Reorganization Meeting on Monday (before I had even seen the inside of the office) I made the statement that I felt like Tonya Harding had kneecapped us.
It wasn’t an appropriate analogy. Tonya Harding didn’t just kneecap us, she tried to melt the ice.
The new Council failing isn’t going to happen. West Easton will be back on track sooner than one might think. The Council will be more transparent, more open, and definitely more sensitive to residents concerns, than it had been.
Dave Gehman, our clerk, who was brought back by the new Council after he was released by the former Council President in one of her last acts to ensure the office was vacant of employees, is working hard to find information requested from him (much of it only available from paper files).
Joan Heebner, who once worked for West Easton until she was told to leave years ago by our former Council President, was also rehired by the new Council. Her past experience and knowledge has been a Godsend.
Carl Pierson is the new Treasurer. His reports will be detailed and true Treasurer Reports. Not just a repeat of bank statements.
A new Solicitor was hired, as there is a possible conflict of interest which now exists for Ms. Christy Schlottman, due to the addition of Henry Nodoline to the Council. Ms. Schottman will be working amicably, during that transition, with our new Solictor, Mr. Steven Goudsouzian, of Goudsouzian & Associates. I’ve been working all week on pronouncing it. (Say it fast: goo-soo-zee-in)
And there will be a Borough Manager – a real Borough Manager – as soon as possible. Council President Dan DePaul and some of us on Council are working to get the office back in order, but he will receive just as much heat from me as the former Council President received, if he takes up residency in that capacity for too long.
On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) sent a representative from Harrisburg to assist us in straightening things out. His invite was due to the new Council approving the help from the PSAB (by a 5-1 vote, Councilman Tom Nodoline dissenting). It was a free service. The representative pointed out things done right and wrong with regards to accounting and numerous other matters, giving suggestions on corrections that can be made. Mayor Gross was also present.
And before rumors begin flying with that last paragraph, let me make it clear that there is absolutely no evidence I’m aware of, that a problem exists with monies – other than some changes needed in how it is accounted for within the numerous funds held by a Borough.
The PSAB also informed me of a potential problem with my video taping of Council meetings, now that I’ve been elected to the Council. He provided me advice on how to address it. That problem will be explained and rectified this evening.
The situation that existed the last few years, that of a Council President running every aspect of Borough business, in every position of authority, and in what could be described as a state of paranoia of betrayal from those around her, can never be allowed to happen again.
And it is you, the voters, that have allowed a new council the opportunity to open the blinds and shed some light on the Star Chamber.
There is a West Easton Council Meeting scheduled for tonight. As always, you are urged to attend.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.