Since the lone Republican candidate for Council seems intent on trying to influence the Democrat primary by putting up a banner and making phone calls to Democrats I am going to give my own unsolicited endorsement of those I feel would best serve West Easton, but first, let me give my opinion of who must not be returned to Council.
Of all the candidates in the Democrat primary, the worst choice would be that of current Councilman Tom Nodoline.
Tom Nodoline proved himself to be a vindictive and do-nothing representative for residents following the loss of his puppet master in the 2015 primary. He didn’t bother showing up for 25% of the Council meetings in 2016. Of the remaining 15 Council meetings he did come to, he left early during 6 of those, causing one of those meetings to be adjourned due to the loss of a quorum with his departure (in 5 of those 6, he claimed he had to get up early the next morning). He voted “No” to approving checks for paying bills. He voted “No” to approving Treasurer Reports. He voted “No” to hiring our Borough Manager, our Treasurer, and a new Solicitor to replace the one who happened to be personally representing him in a civil matter.
Nodoline even voted “No” to the no-tax-increase 2017 budget and moving the borough’s bank accounts to a bank that pays interest on our money. He voted “No” to a lot of motions, while never providing a reason during the discussion portion of the motion before him. Of the one job assigned him, getting a new sign for Gross Park, he never got that accomplished. It was assigned to someone else after 6 months of excuses. Tom Nodoline tried convincing our Road Department Supervisor he should quit, with a lie that the 2016 Council was going to fire him. Tom Nodoline removed computers from Borough Hall and then had the 2016 Council chasing their tails looking for them, never disclosing he knew what happened to them.
Instead of working for the benefit of residents, he did his best at trying to see the 2016 Council fail. He is now assisting Tricia Mezzacappa, the candidate currently suing West Easton.
Now that you know the one candidate you shouldn’t send on to November, here are those I know are running for the right reasons and will best serve every resident. It is important that all Democrats take the few minutes to vote in this Primary if you want a West Easton government that will continue working for you! If you are a Republican voter, please consider writing in these candidates. They are far better than what you are being offered on your ballot.
Desiree Lake (Ballot Pos. 1)
Desiree is seeking her first Council election win this year. She served on the West Easton Zoning Board for 2 years, as Chairperson for 1 year and as a member for 1 year. She was a member of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce for 7 years and the Small Business Council for 8 years. Desiree was recognized as Volunteer of the year by the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. Desiree intends to bring financial accountability and wants to make a difference for the betterment of West Easton. Her pledge to the voters, if elected, is that she will represent the people of West Easton by listening to their concerns and address the issues important to them as residents. She supports transparency.
Paul James (Ballot Pos. 2)
Paul is seeking his first Council election win, though he is hardly new to serving on Council. Paul, a 19 year resident of West Easton and retired Navy veteran, was appointed to Council in May of last year and had prior experience being on Council before then. Paul also served by appointment on Council from November 2013 to December 2015. While on Council at that time, he chaired the Finance Committee. He is a member of the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority, representing the residents of West Easton. He chaired the Zoning Hearing Board for 5 years. Upon his recent return to Council he is once again a member of the Finance Committee and helped prepare the 2017 no-tax-increase budget. His leadership on the Utilities Committee was instrumental in obtaining new LED lighting for the borough’s street lights, which is now awaiting installation by Met-Ed. The energy cost savings by using LED will save taxpayer dollars, as well as reduce West Easton’s environmental footprint. Paul supports the concept of a part-time police force to provide for residents safety and also, transparency in government. He has been publicly described by the lone Republican primary candidate as trustworthy and honest.
Matthew A. Dees (Ballot Pos. 3)
Me. I’m a 5-year Navy veteran HONORABLY discharged in 1982. I’m seeking re-election, having won a 2-year seat that began in 2016. I previously served as Chairperson of the Zoning Hearing Board. I have a 100% attendance record at Council meetings. I currently Chair the Grants Committee. I also serve on the Public Safety Committee and Property/Highway Committee. I built the working website for the borough, WestEastonBorough.com at no cost for my service when I was Chair of the Computers/Legal Committee. Along with other Council members, great strides in improving West Easton government have been made. We recouped money due the borough from Kelly Gross, hired a proper Borough Manager, a proper Treasurer, and a Senior Clerk. We hired a new Solicitor and a new Engineering firm. Computers and other technology were upgraded. Sewer/Trash bills were reduced. The Borough Hall was unlocked to the public with expanded hours. Government transparency has improved that includes my video recording Council meetings and posting them on this website. Roads were resurfaced and repaired with more scheduled. Over $127,000 in grants for West Easton were obtained. At the end of 2016 it was all done $175,000 UNDER Budget. 2017 saw no tax rate increase for residents and an independent audit shows West Easton with $60K more cash than it started with in 2016. My next goal is to see the re-establishment of Neighborhood Watch and also a part-time police force that will work in conjunction with PSP, so that West Easton remains a safe community.
Jeffrey Breidinger, Jr. (Ballot Pos. 6)
Jeff, a life-long West Easton resident, is seeking a win in his first election contest to be seated on Council. Jeff currently serves as West Easton Representative on Wilson Recreation Board and on the West Easton Vacancy Board. Jeff was a West Easton Jr. Fire Fighter from 2009-2010. Jeff’s main focus for his campaign is in seeking to enhance the quality of life for residents of West Easton. He wants to see local ordinances updated, ensure no tax increases for 2018, continue the repairing of roads, and apply for more grants to benefit residents. He hopes to reduce sewer/trash bills further for senior citizens and wants local police protection working in conjunction with the State Police. Jeff has proved himself not only a volunteer by stepping up to serve on West Easton Boards, but as a person who follows through on his duties with those Boards. Jeff will also bring something sorely needed on Council – a younger person’s perspective and an understanding that it will be his generation who will eventually fill the seats on Council and the numerous Boards and Committees. At 25, he is getting a head start on that leadership.
For more information on your Democrat primary candidates you can visit the League of Women Voters – Voters Guide by clicking HERE. Candidates Betty-Jo Bonners and Tom Nodoline did not respond to their request for information.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.