There is a saying, “Even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut.” In this case, a blond nut may have found something squirrelly.
Resident Tricia Mezzacappa has been less than civil in questioning the increased mill rate. Much of the increase due to the proposed West Easton Police Department that, by our council’s own estimate, would cost at least $165,000 to get operational.
Unlike Mezzacappa, I was willing to wait and see what developed before I started yelling. I give people the benefit of the doubt. Grants are available and though it might not have resulted in an Easton Police Department, complete with assault gear and refurbished military attack vehicles, it may have been possible to have a couple of officers on call, if needed.
As is too often the case with some people, screaming “Foul!,” only to be proved wrong, makes you unbelievable when you should be.
So, as painful as it is for me to actually agree with the Ridge Street PITA on any issue, I’ll now cry “Wolf!” at the failure of our Mayor and Council to move forward on the West Easton Police Department plan and grabbing for money that we may never get back.
Indeed, our mill rate has increased 2.2 points, because West Easton had to raise $165,000 for the police department we were told.
What do we have to show for it?
Two Jeep Cherokees that required repair work and now sit idle. One is parked in the Municipal Garage and the other at the storage building on the Keystone St. ballfield.
No prospect for a Chief of Police. Officer Fred Lahovski, who was on deck to assume the role, has won his labor dispute with Nazareth P.D. and will be working for them once more.
Our Mayor is apparently in no great rush to replace the State Police. At one council meeting Mayor Gross stated he was pleased with the job the State Police were doing for the borough, including issuing traffic citations and noted the savings of not having to pay Easton for their services.
As we approach August, nearly 7 months have passed and no new information of progress toward a West Easton Police Department is given to the public.
“We’re still trying” is no longer acceptable. If installing our own police department isn’t feasible for $165,000 admit the mistake and move on to other business.
Either West Easton Council provides an up-to-date accounting of the progress made, monies spent, and anticipated implementation date of a West Easton Police Department, or they sell the vehicles purchased and readjust the mill rate.
Perhaps everyone should begin asking, “Where is my refund?”
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.