The lease of a new copier from a local company to replace the older copier that had an email transmission problem resulted in the borough saving more than $1000 per year. The new copier is in service at the office.
The new copier lease was approved by Council, who left the decision of two proposals from different companies to our Borough Manager, Joan Heebner. The difference of each proposal was about $20 per month, making each proposal about $100 less per month than what the borough was paying to the former copier company.
Part of the new agreement included free shipping of the old copier back to the company that supplied it, saving the borough another $400 for that charge.
A savings of approximately $7/mo. was made with a simple phone call to RCN, that supplies phone and Internet service to Borough Hall. A new bundle plan was given to the borough hall that provides faster Internet speeds and all the phone options, including 3-way calling, call forwarding, and others. Previously, Borough Hall only had Caller ID.
The added feature of 3-way calling will now allow as many as two council members to participate by phone, if they are unable to be physically present at a meeting. Previously, only one member absent would have been able to participate by phone.
Participation by phone is allowed with certain requirements set forth in Title 8 of the Borough Codes.
Part of these savings has gone toward a hearing assistance device for use by Councilman Henry Nodoline during council meetings. He used it at January’s Council Meeting. You will see him wearing earphones in the video of that meeting. The amplifier unit was placed in the front of the council tables. The cost of the device was approximately $180.
Also to be purchased from the savings is a conference telephone for use at council meetings, if needed. The phone is equipped with 3 directional microphones for callers to hear those in the room and a speaker for hearing the callers when they speak. The borough needed 3-way calling on our phone service in order for the conference phone to serve it’s intended purpose. The cost of the conference phone was approximately $300 and should be available by the 2nd meeting in February (if held).
In an effort to generate additional money, the bathroom doors will have pay-for-use locks installed. 10 cents for residents and 25 cents for non-residents. Lawyers are charged $250 for an Impact Fee. (This last paragraph is a just a joke, folks!)
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.