Perhaps it is just a simple case of, “Do the crime – Pay the fine.” Maybe it’s just an unforgiving dick in a uniform. Maybe it’s the State Police simply perturbed that they now have another community to cover.
Whatever the reason, one resident who wishes to remain anonymous on this website for fear of becoming a repeating target for the State Troopers, was pulled over in West Easton for failing to use a turn signal.
Justly so. You’re supposed to use a turn signal and a small fine is a good reminder that people behind you aren’t mind readers. But, it didn’t end there.
The resident was also given a ticket for that big money item of not wearing a seat belt. No warning. No chit chat. No excuses of traveling less than 2 blocks within the borough accepted. Have a nice day.
Over $200 that will pay for that Troopers’ 5 minutes in the Borough.
Just a warning folks. If you see a State Trooper don’t expect them to be friendly if you are a resident. They don’t want to be here and they will be looking for any excuse for West Easton residents to pay for their services. Cross your “t’s” and dot your “i’s” when you get behind the wheel.
We also have those 15 mph speed zones in town. Better slow down.
I’ll be the first to admit that I often find myself doing between 20 and 25, but I won’t be now. I wouldn’t doubt that a Trooper would love to give me a ticket for 7 mph over the limit.
Then, he’ll probably want me to explain that dead hooker in the trunk.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.