In my previous posting I mentioned my idea of Pennsylvania providing snow removal equipment at truck weigh stations.
I see it as a way to help truckers comply with any law enacted that would ensure trucks operating within our state, or entering Pennsylvania, to be clean of ice and snow on their trailers. It would also generate income for PA and pay for the equipment if a small fee were charged to the trucker (or their employer), if they chose not to clean their equipment themselves.
I shot off an email to Sen. Lisa Boscola, supporting her legislation and included my thoughts on PA providing snow removal systems. In it, I included an example of a device being produced by a plow company located in Pennsylvania.
Not surprisingly, my idea isn’t as original as I thought it might be.
Though she did not address any type of fee, I was informed she is contemplating the idea of providing such equipment for truckers. Not only at weigh stations, but also rest areas.
She wrote:
Mr. Dees,Thank you for your email. I appreciate your input on this important issue and for the information on the snow removal device. I have had the opportunity to tour some local businesses with devices that look very similar to that device.Understanding the need to assist our truckers with removal of snow and ice, one idea that I have been contemplating is using our weigh stations and rest areas and trying to determine how to make it feasible to implement. I am pleased to hear your views on such an idea.Thanks again for contacting me on this important issue.Lisa
Though there is surely red tape that will be encountered, I hope she is able to move forward in implementing installation of the devices – at least a few on a test basis – to see if it is worth expanding.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.