I’m against local police having radar guns at their disposal.
With Police Chiefs like Trachta of Nazareth running small towns in the Commonwealth, it’s not only likely, but assured that some CoP’s and officers will spend their entire day happily setting up speed traps and writing tickets.
Radar guns make it too easy. I wrote a previous post about locals using radar, urging those of you against radar use by locals to write your representatives. I followed through on that request, writing my state senators and representatives and informing them of my opposition to the legislation. The only one to respond thus far, is Rep. Bob Freeman.
One can only imagine the parade of out-of-town violators that would have appeared in Gilberton if gun nut, Chief Mark Kessler, still had his job and a radar gun to point at people. He would have had all the “Libtards” paying fines, while cutting loose those who gave the secret NRA hand signal.
This is the danger of locals being allowed to use radar guns, but Representative Bob Freeman doesn’t see it that way.
He calls it an important “tool” to “calm” traffic and protect citizens.
While he talks of “safeguards” needed to prevent speed traps and the radar being used as a money generating tool for local government, he offers no safeguards and none are included in the Bill.
49 other states use radar and 49 other states have complaints of speed traps and overzealous enforcement for the purpose of generating income.
Below is Mr. Freeman’s letter I received today:
August 7, 2014
Dear Mr. Dees:
Thank you for contacting my office to express your opposition to House Bill 1272, which would provide municipal police with the ability to utilize radar in the enforcement of speed limits.
Please be advised that I support the effort to provide municipal police with the ability to utilize radar in the enforcement of speed limits, provided they have the proper training and are prohibited from instituting “speed traps” as a way of raising revenue. Forty-nine other states already allow their local police to use radar. I believe it is high time that we give local police departments the ability to use this important tool in order to calm traffic and protect our citizens. However, I do recognize that we have to make sure safeguards are in place to make sure that local police departments are not using this as a way to make additional money. As such, I intend to support this legislation should it be presented to the full House for a vote.
Again, thank you for contacting my office regarding this matter. Should you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this or any other State related issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.