Recently resigned Councilman Louis Niko’s daughter submitted a letter to council when her father resigned. As most resident’s are aware, Mr. Niko had been absent from Council for about 1 1/2 years due to health issues. Her letter gave details about his condition, which I won’t share here.
Much of her letter though, I think she would want the public to know:
I know some of you have been wondering why he didn’t resign sooner. One of the reasons for waiting was to allow him as much time as possible to see how much function would return. Although the doctor is pleased with how well he is doing, we think he has recovered as much as he is going to.
Dad served on Borough Council for 47 years, and it has been a big part of his life. He attended PSAB conferences and became certified as a Borough official, so that he could better fill his position on Borough Council. During his time on Council, he has served several times as President and Vice President, as well as chairing several different committees. He has always had the well being of the Borough of West Easton and its citizens in his heart.
We now have a new Council with several new, and relatively new members. You have before you the opportunity to do good things for the Borough. We ask that you put forth your best efforts to serve the Borough and its citizens, and make personal agendas, something of secondary importance.
Thank you all for your hard work and your desire to serve West Easton and its citizens.
Sharon M Niko