As promised, a refresher course for those who are unsure of the law regarding stopping for school buses and those who may not be aware of the severe penalties imposed when passing a school bus with its reds activated. A single conviction may not only have you paying the penalties imposed by the state, but many car insurance companies will raise your insurance rate.
When you meet or overtake a stopped school bus with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP.
When you approach an inter section where a school bus is stopped with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP. The most common mistake by motorists is the belief that they can make a right or left turn in front of the bus. If the reds are flashing ALL TRAFFIC at the intersection can not move until they driver has turned off his stop signals.
Also note, should your vehicle be waiting to make a left hand turn from a turning lane when a bus pulls up on your right and activates its reds, you are not allowed to commence your turn unless you are in the intersection (ahead of the bus) and already in the process of turning.
You MUST STOP at least ten (10) feet away from the school bus. You MUST WAIT until the red lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm has been withdrawn before moving.
DO NOT MOVE until all the children have reached a place of safety
1.5 million children are transported on Pennsylvania roads each school day.
These children are transported more than 400 million miles to school each year.
Every year, children are needlessly injured or killed by drivers passing stopped school buses.
If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law, you will receive all of the following penalties:
- 60-Day Driver’s License Suspension
- Five (5) points on your driving record
- $250 Fine
Annually, over 1,000 motorists are found guilty of not obeying the School Bus Stopping Law.
Drivers may proceed on a roadway with physical barriers defining separate lanes of traffic. This only applies when the school bus is on the opposite side of the road. Traffic following the bus MUST STOP. A physical barrier is defined as a guardrail, dividing wall, or other structure such as a grass median that separates opposing traffic.
Remember, if there is not a physical barrier between you and the stopping bus, YOU MUST STOP!
If a school bus is stopped at an intersection, traffic in ALL directions must STOP.
Passing a stopped school bus when it’s red lights are activated is an extremely dangerous situation and is taken very seriously by the judicial system, so know the laws, and the penalties for violating those laws.
Also note that passing a school bus (from behind) that has activated its yellow warning lights (approx. 150 feet from a bus stop) is also unlawful. Motorists who are unlucky enough to be caught by an unseen patrol car can be cited. I can’t count the number of times I’ve witnessed this idiotic move, usually with the offending driver speeding recklessly and crossing a double yellow line in order to pass. Years ago, I even had a car pass me using the shoulder on the right and flipping me the middle finger as he put distance between us.
You can’t fix “stupid.”
Besides watching for school buses, motorists should be alert in school zones and slow down to the posted speed limit of 15 mph. Also be vigilant during those hours when children are walking before or after school bells.
Drivers should know they are also being watched, as some school districts in Pennsylvania have school buses equipped stop-arm cameras designed to identify those who illegally pass stopped school buses. Zen-tinel is one of many companies, including 247 Security, REI, Seon, Safety Vision and AngelTrax, that manufacture the mobile surveillance systems school districts are installing on their buses to improve student safety.
The Zen-tinel stop-arm cameras caught three drivers who violated Pennsylvania school bus stopping laws during the first week of use in the Altoona Area School District. These stop-arm cameras automatically record any vehicle passing the bus while the stop-arm is extended without relying on driver activation. Up to three cameras capture images of front and back license plates as well as the driver’s face. These images can be turned over to law enforcement and used to prosecute violators.
Drive safely and have patience. Nobody likes being caught behind a school bus, but it usually doesn’t last long before the bus will be out of your way, or you will have an opportunity to pass.
For more information from PennDOT on school bus safety for drivers and parents of students, CLICK HERE.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.