Some might think it odd that Democrats would vote for a Republican to join them on West Easton Council, while a Republican voted for a Democrat, but that’s what happened Monday night when nominations were made and voted on by the 5 Council members in attendance.
There was no Democrat Committee involved, or the assumption that a Democrat would be replaced by a Democrat, simply because he was an unqualified “Super Voter,” as had been done in the past.
Each Councilman voted for who they felt would best represent the Borough, based on involvement with the Borough and other factors that influenced their decision. National politics and political platforms played no role in the choices and that is how it should be, in my honest opinion.
National issues are not Borough issues. Roads, police protection, our own budget, and serving West Easton with fidelity is the priority, whether Democrat, Republican, or any other party.
The voting was done according to the order in which nominations were made. Votes are taken until one receives a majority.
Democrat Jeff Breidinger was nominated by Republican Councilman Lewis.
Republican Pete Mammana was nominated by Democrat Councilman Henry Nodoline.
Democrat Betty-Jo Bonners was nominated by DINO Councilman Tom Nodoline.
The first vote was taken for Mr. Jeff Breidinger Jr. and I was tempted to vote for him. He is doing an excellent (really excellent) job as our Representative on the Wilson Recreation Committee. He speaks well, has an Independent attitude that is needed on Council, and has potential to be a great Councilman.
My problem was twofold. Putting him on Council would almost guarantee my Primary election, knocking out one of the best candidates by removing him from contention. Would I be acting in the best interest of the Borough, or my own interest in returning to Council? If I do lose in the Primary, you all better hope Jeff is among the winners.
The other problem was that in a previous appointee decision I had passed over Mr. Mammama and voted for Mr. Paul James. James had previously served on Council, was familiar with working on a budget and at the time we were putting together the 2017 budget. I felt we needed experience on the Council.
Mr. Mammana has had a long interest in the Borough, and is a constant presence at Council meetings. There were only two people seeking the Council seat at that time and it was a difficult decision. I told Mr. Mammana at the time I voted for Mr. James, that he was at the top of my list, should another vacancy arise – I meant it. Voting for Mr. Mammana would also leave everyone running in an election that would be decided by the voters, should he win the appointment.
So, I voted “No” to Mr. Breidinger. I’d take my chances in the Primary along with everyone else running for election this year.
As it turned out, there were other factors at play. Three Councilmen had their own nominees and didn’t provide any additional votes, other than Councilman Lewis’.
1-4 (Lewis, “Yes” : Dees, H. Nodoline, DePaul, T. Nodoline, “No”)
Next, was Mr. Mammana. His majority ended the voting process.
3-2 (Dees, H. Nodoline, DePaul, “Yes” : Lewis, T. Nodoline, “No”)
Congratulations to Mr. Mammana and welcome to the circus (sometimes).
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.