As Pennsylvania legislators realize that the existing Right To Know Law needs to be amended, they are acting to correct the flaws and loopholes being (more…)
A Reminder About The Snow Today
With all the weather services and news outlets now in agreement that our area will receive 2″-4″ of snow today, it’s the first significant snowfall (more…)
New Borough Complaint Form Hopes To Answer Concerns
One of the items on my agenda as Council President is to expediently and effectively address concerns from residents, of problems they see in the (more…)
West Easton Council Committees – The Chairs And Members
Chairpersons and members were assigned to 7 committees that meet and report to Council.
Committees are made up of three Council members, with one acting as (more…)
Mr. Kenneth E. Decker, Jr. Appointed To Council
There were three Letters Of Interest submitted to Council, seeking the appointment to the vacant 2-year seat. The seat became available when Councilman Ron Nixon, (more…)
Mr. Glen Ackerman, Sr. Appointed To Vacancy Board
In what has been a surprisingly difficult position to fill for the last two years, Mr. Glen Ackerman, Sr., a 20-year resident of West Easton (more…)