If you bought a hand sanitizer, other than a major brand, such as Purell, you may want to look at the recall list issued by (more…)
President To Receive BLM Reminder In Front Of Trump Tower
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will be moving forward this morning on a plan to paint a Black Lives Matter mural in front (more…)
Racism Promoted Through Symbolism
While most have found enlightenment and recognize that systemic racism exists in our society, there are those who are unwilling to admit that symbols promoting (more…)
Constable Tricia Mezzacappa Commits Copyright Infringement
Constable Tricia Mezzacappa, who has in the past, falsely presented herself as an, “Independent Journalist,” plagiarized the works of catholic.com, along with numerous (more…)
Is Second Wave Of Panic Buying Coming?
With the resurgence of Covid-19 rising in 27 states, including six of them with an increase of more than 100 percent in confirmed cases from (more…)
Online Petition Calls For Removal Of Easton’s Columbus Statue
A resident of Easton has started an online petition calling on Easton Mayor Sal Panto to remove the statue of Christopher Columbus that (more…)