In a report published by the journal Science, the last five years have seen Oklahoma experience more than 2,500 earthquakes – the vast majority of which are being connected to the oil and gas exploration process of fracking. Continue reading
TSA Prohibits Dead Electronic Devices Ahead Of New Threat
If the battery of your mobile device fails to power up on the request of a TSA agent, you won’t be allowed to take it on board a US-bound plane, the TSA announced as part of enhanced security measures at “certain overseas airports.” Continue reading
Low Cost Projects To Boost Home Value
Thinking about selling your home some day?
Spending money on a house you are considering selling isn’t exactly an appealing thought. However, changing the look and installing a few changes in the right areas will not only make it more enjoyable to live in, but will increase it’s selling value should you actually decide to sell. Continue reading
Pennsylvania Needs A Vexatious Litigant List

People abuse the court system.
Sometimes for no other reason than to be a pain in the ass, or just hoping that by using a shotgun approach something might actually stick.
I had never heard of a “Vexatious Litigant List” before this week. Pennsylvania doesn’t have one, that’s for sure. Continue reading
Blogger’s Petition Calls For Firing Of Nazareth Police Chief Trachta
Local blogger, Bernie O’Hare, has started an online petition calling for the firing of Nazareth Chief of Police, Thomas Trachta.
O’Hare, a resident of Nazareth and owner of the blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings, has been revealing disturbing information about Trachta’s actions and the improper actions of a couple of officers under his command. Continue reading
PA Budget Ups Education Funding With No Tax Increase – Corbett Still Refuses To Sign
Governor Corbett is still withholding his signature, as of this morning.
For the fourth consecutive year, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed an annual budget prior to the June 30 deadline. House Bill 2328 respects the taxpayer and contains no new or increased taxes. The $29.1 billion spending plan, a 1.8 percent increase over the previous fiscal year, focuses on education, health and human services, and public safety. Continue reading