Congress Looks To Update Email Privacy Law And Close Loophole

Vanishing-Rights-EmailAn antiquated federal law that currently allows police officers to obtain and read emails without a warrant could see that loophole closed, if enough bipartisan agreement can be found.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are asking their colleagues to consider revamping the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in order to bring the nearly 30-year-old law in line with modern technology. Continue reading

Fake Punxsutawney Phil Bites Mayor During Ceremony

In western Pennsylvania, America’s most famous weather-predicting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, surmised there would be another month and a half of winter after seeing his own shadow early Monday.

Across the United States in Wisconsin, the lesser known, Jimmy The Groundhog, decided to take a meal break when whispering in the ear of the Sun Prairie Mayor, Jonathan Freund. Continue reading

Las Vegas Super Bowl XLIX Predictions

Las-Vegas-Odds-Super-BowlWhen I wrote and made my picks on last year’s Super Bowl XLVIII, it was mentioned that the game was one of the hardest for professionals to call. That game had Seattle as the underdog with 2.5 points being given them at the Vegas Sportsbooks. They handily won the game outright and my winners prediction was correct, though I incorrectly guessed the over/under.

Thankfully, I had no money on the Over/Under (I always considered that a fool’s bet) and my win prevented Vito “The Nose” from busting my kneecaps. Continue reading

New WFMZ Forecast Technique Makes Predictions Infallible

Snowfall-ForecastAfter the recent fizzard, in which every weather service got the total snowfall prediction wrong, WFMZ (Channel 69) has found a way to never be wrong again.

We’re now treated to “Probability Forecasts.”

Snow possible? You are now squarely in the drivers seat in determining if you want to empty the local grocery store of milk, eggs, and bread in anticipation of a major snowstorm, or only having a broom ready to remove a dusting.

Rather than actually predict snowfall totals, WFMZ is giving us the probabilities of snowfall totals. Continue reading

Pen Argyl School District Chicken Pox Highlights Ignorant Parent

Chicken-PoxThree families, whose children were not vaccinated against chicken pox and attending Wind Gap Middle School were notified by the Pen Argyl School District to keep their children out of school for 10 days, due to a case of chicken pox being contracted by another student.

Two families obliged and apparently understand that their children would be at risk of contracting the highly contagious disease. Chicken pox  is making its appearance amid the recent measles scare. Measles was once thought to be completely eradicated in the US, but has been appearing lately, beginning with cases that are believed to have started in Disneyland, California. Continue reading