Celebrating VD

vdcardIt starts with a slight irritation and progresses into a burning sensation that has you looking for just the right remedy that will have you finding relief.

That’s right, it’s Valentine’s Day.

You knew it was approaching and dreaded the thought of having to get a gift that fit the relationship status you’re currently in. Continue reading

FCC To Vote On Net Neutrality Rules

A group called Protect Internet Freedom is hoping to score laughs and support against government regulations of the web with a satirical clip (below) made in a porn movie setting. It comes amid a debate on the planned net neutrality regulations by the FCC.

Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differently by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. Continue reading

Sen. Lisa Boscola Contemplates Snow Removal Devices At PA Truck Weigh Stations And Rest Areas

snowremovalIn my previous posting I mentioned my idea of Pennsylvania providing snow removal equipment at truck weigh stations.

I see it as a way to help truckers comply with any law enacted that would ensure trucks operating within our state, or entering Pennsylvania, to be clean of ice and snow on their trailers. It would also generate income for PA and pay for the equipment if a small fee were charged to the trucker (or their employer), if they chose not to clean their equipment themselves. Continue reading

Sen. Boscola Legislation For Truckers To Clear Snow And Ice Should Include All Vehicles

car snowSen. Lisa Boscola (D) is attempting to pass a bill that would allow police to fine a tractor-trailer driver $25 – $75 if they fail to remove snow and ice from atop their vehicles.

Though I feel the amount is hardly a deterrent to the problem, as most of these truckers would gladly pay a small fine, instead of spending the time to remove the hazard. Many will risk that the snow/ice on their roofs will quickly come off when they enter onto the highway and not injure or kill someone. Continue reading

3 Minutes To Midnight, As Doomsday Clock Ticked Forward

Always looking for uplifting stories, I’ve found another one that does nothing in achieving that goal.

Kennette Benedict, the executive director of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the organization behind the Doomsday Clock, announced on Thursday that the clock was advanced 2 minutes toward midnight, the end of humanity.

The clock now rests at three minutes to midnight, before apocalypse descends upon the planet. Continue reading

You Think You Recycle? Take A Look At This!

BF10High upon a promontory on South Bass Island in Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, sits the Owners and Captains Quarters of the former Great Lakes Shipping Boat, The Benson Ford. The boat was built by Henry Ford and named after his grandson.

The Benson Ford was originally a cargo ship for the Ford Motor Company.

The interior was designed by Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison was a passenger. From the time it was built in 1924, the boat was used to transport coal and iron ore across the American Great Lakes.  After being decommissioned in 1981 it was left to rust for four years before the front part of the ship was removed and perched on top of an 18-foot cliff, to serve as a really lovely  home. Continue reading