Much to my surprise at the March 27th Council meeting, Councilman Tom Nodoline actually brought up a toilet when trying to deflect his involvement in (more…)
Mayor Gross Receives PSAB Award
Mayor Gross will be receiving another honor for his years of public service.
The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) will be awarding him the Charles F. (more…)
Don Rickles Was Truly Mr. Warmth
You will hear a lot about Don Rickles in the next 48 hours, as he passed away yesterday from kidney failure at the age of (more…)
Candidate Mezzacappa On 2nd St. Grant: “Maybe People Should Take Care Of Their Own Properties”
Candidate Tricia Mezzacappa has made no secret of her position regarding West Easton obtaining grants.
She is against grants. Her running mate, Councilman Tom Nodoline, running for (more…)
West Easton Council Meeting 3/27/17 (VIDEO)
Applicants for Council appointment. Letter from County to proceed with 2nd Street storm water grant. Budget/Audit presentation by Council President. Hubcap Store owner answers Mayor/Council concerns. Henry (more…)
Millionaire? Councilman Dees Owns HostGator Says Tricia Mezzacappa
The quote below was made during the last Public Comment portion of the West Easton Council Meeting, held on February 13th, 2017. Mezzacappa was addressing (more…)