Kelly Gross, our former Council President ousted in the 2015 Primary by her own Democrat party is apparently making a last-minute run for the open slot on the Republican ticket for Mayor.
Flyers have been (still are being?) left on Republican voter’s doors this evening.
Though I received some phone calls from Republicans asking me if this is a prank, I assure you, if it is, I had nothing to do with it. I believe it may be a legitimate attempt by Tom Nodoline to re-install her into a power position. A possibility does exist of her winning a spot on the Republican ticket, considering no Republican candidate appears on the Mayor side of their ballot.
Kelly Gross had been seen with Tom Nodoline on occasion. Rumors had been circulating for a couple of weeks that the reason Tom Nodoline and Kelly Gross had been meeting was to continue using Tricia Mezzacappa for the dirty work of the campaign for Tom, then to throw Mezzacappa under the bus, if they were successful through the Primary.
In that rumor it was also said that Mayor Gross was aware, trying to gather support for Kelly to be his replacement when retires at the end of this year, but nobody has ever come forward to confirm that part of it, either. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, believing he was kept in the dark.
I decided against publishing such a rumor, because I honestly didn’t believe that Kelly Gross would make such an attempt, considering all that has been uncovered after she was out of office. I also couldn’t find anyone to confirm anything other than the Tom Nodoline and Kelly Gross meetings. Not exactly a smoking gun to post anything.
Considering the past history of Tricia Mezzacappa and Kelly Gross, Tom Nodoline is going for broke if Mezzacappa wasn’t aware of it. Nodoline will likely be back on her s*** list, taking over my #1 position.
If Tricia Mezzacappa did know of this and supports it, then check the temperature in Hell, because they are making snowmen down there.
The proof, I suppose, will come when the polls close tomorrow and it shows an unexpected amount of write-ins for Kelly Gross in the Republican Mayor position.
Because of the blanks on the Republican ticket, those blanks can be won with as few as 10 write-in votes, sending winners on to the November election.
UPDATE 5/16 12:10 PM There must be a blizzard in Hell. I just learned that Mezzacappa actually handed a voter two white cards. One asked for the voter to write in Tom Nodoline for Council. The other asked to write in Kelly Gross for Mayor.
This is more bizarre than that two-headed snake I saw on display.
UPDATE 5/17 After the polls closed it was relayed to me that Kelly stated she was not involved in any write-in effort for her, or had been part of Tricia Mezzacappa handing out requests to write in her name. The only conclusion I can draw from the write-in attempt for Kelly was Mezzacappa hoping to prevent Dan DePaul from qualifying on the Republican ticket as a write-in.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.