A proposed Residential Treatment Center with 176 beds is hoping to take up residence at 92 Main Street, West Easton, part of the old Chipman Mill property, now owned by Developer Abe Atiyeh.
A Conditional Use Hearing will be held by West Easton Council on January 8th at Borough Hall. The time of the hearing will be 6:30 PM.
The application for Conditional Use was submitted by the entity, West Easton Two, LP.
BestBusinessPA.com shows West Easton Two, LP was registered under company Id 4036607 and business ID 4036607. This business was created six years, seven months ago – on May 26, 2011.
The business address is shown as, 1177 Sixth Street, Whitehall, PA 18052.
West Easton Two, LP has 1 officers. West Easton Realty GP, LLC with general partner title. His address is 1177 Sixth Street, Whitehall, PA 18052.
1177 Sixth Street, Whitehall, PA is the address of Whitehall Manor, an assisted living facility.
A recent Morning Call article reported, “Atiyeh operates Saucon Valley Manor, Whitehall Manor and the just-opened Bethlehem Manor, a 75-bed assisted living center at the former Rosemont Elementary School on Pennsylvania Avenue, three miles from the Moravian Village site. He and his lead company, Pennsylvania Venture Capital, are also pursuing related projects in South Whitehall Township and Northampton.”

Mr. Atiyeh has been seeking treatment facilities for years in other communities.
In June 2009, Atiyeh proposed a three-story, 103-bed drug and alcohol treatment center in Allentown, arguing that the other uses he was approved for were not “viable” in the 2009 economy. Their zoning board struck down that plan, citing concerns about the traffic it would create.
Earlier this year, Atiyeh pitched plans for a $12 million psychiatric hospital near Bethlehem Catholic High School, a move that came as Bethlehem considered zoning psychiatric hospitals out of that neighborhood.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.