Northampton County has provided an answer to my Right To Know Request for information pertaining to residents of the West Easton DUI/Work Release Facility who either failed to return, or otherwise escaped.
The information they provided covers all years since the facility began operations in 2012, with the exception of 2018, though there appears to be at least four individuals missing from their list.
Northampton County’s tally provided, is as follows:
2012 – 3
2013 – 3
2014 – 1
2015 – 4
2016 – 5
2017 – 6
TOTAL – 22
However, these numbers don’t add up correctly after checking with LehighValleyLive.com (LVL) archives of news stories.
Not indicated on the County’s list provided to me is Jeffrey Werkheiser. LVL reported him as failing to return to the West Easton facility in May of 2016.
The County’s 2017 listings also seems to be missing individuals. Anthony C. Nava, Jr., was reported by LVL as escaping the West Easton facility in August. Arnold D. Kuhlmann, was reported by LVL in November, and Zachary Queiros, reportedly didn’t return in December. None of these names appear on the County’s list.
If LVL news stories are accurate, 2016 should indicate 6 persons, and for the year 2017, 9 individuals should be shown, making a total of 26 individuals from 2012 through 2017.
That amounts to an increase of 50 percent in escapes each year after 2015, the year changes were made to the types of residents accepted at the Work Release Facility.
Northampton County officially indicates only one resident of the facility as an “Escape.” All others are designated as, “FTR” (Failure To Return).
The information provided by Northampton County appears to indicate that one individual, Daniel Chmielewski, who is designated “FTR” since August 2017, is still at large.
The West Easton Facility FTR List from Northampton County can be found HERE. Exact dates of their “residents” leaving the facility and their return are indicated.
An additional individual, Christopher Ridgeway, left the facility in February of this year, according to LVL. He is also not indicated in the report provided.
UPDATED 2/24/18 to indicate persons named by LVL, but not shown on NorCo list.
UPDATE 2/27/18 LVL has published an updated count they received from the county. 10 in 2017 and 25 total, from 2012 through 2017, they report.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.