One of the items on my agenda as Council President is to expediently and effectively address concerns from residents, of problems they see in the borough.
To that end I took a stab at revising the old Borough Complaint Form into something more traceable in how it is handled and provide an answer in a timely manner.
I also cleaned up its appearance, hoping that might entice people to actually fill out a complaint form, as written complaints are seldom submitted.
A written complaint is not only useful for a resident to receive an answer to their concern, but also provides a guarantee that the concern is responded to, in official correspondence from the borough.
Your problem is likely to be addressed more quickly using a Complaint Form instead of waiting for a Council meeting to convene in order to speak at a meeting – then waiting for the next Council meeting to see if any progress was made on your complaint.
The new complaint form will be dated the day it is received by the borough office. If it is received by the Senior Clerk, it will be delivered to the Borough Manager, who will sign and date their receipt of it.
If the Borough Manager feels it is a complaint that can not be answered in their position, it will be sent to the Public Relations Committee, prompting a number of further actions to be taken.
Even if the Borough Manager answers the complaint, all written complaints will be forwarded to the Public Relations Committee and noted to the full Council during their report, making all Council members aware of the concern and its progress/conclusion.
The use of a Complaint Form provides useful data to our Borough Manager and Council on potential problem areas that need to be focused on, and in how well we are doing in answering your concerns in an expedient manner.
It should be noted that the Clerk or Borough Manager will not fill out a Borough Complaint Form for a complainant who calls in to the office.
Verbal complaints have no tracking and no written response is required.
The new Borough Complaint Form can be downloaded HERE.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.