Following the approval of a Resolution and a unanimous vote of Council, Mr. Nathaniel Kober, a young West Easton resident, took the Junior Council Person Pledge.
The Pledge was administered by Mayor Gerald Gross, who introduced Nathaniel to Council earlier this year.
Nathaniel, a 16 year-old in his Junior year at Wilson High School is the first Junior Council Person appointed to West Easton Council, as part of a state-wide Junior Councilperson Program that the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) began in 1999.
As a Junior Council Person, he has most of the privileges afforded elected Council members. He can attend Council meetings, sitting alongside Council members, attend Committee meetings, and participate in discussions with the rest of Council, though he can not vote on matters, or attend Executive Sessions. He is also not paid.
Nathaniel is currently enrolled in the Career Institute of Technology, studying Electronics Technology.
Among his awards and accomplishments listed on his application for Junior Council Person are:
- Eagle Scout
- Adult First Aid/CPR/AED
- Wilderness and Remote First Aid
- Trainers EDGE (The purpose of the Trainer’s EDGE course is to provide and help develop the platform skills of a trainer.)
Nathaniel stated in his letter of application, “My many skills provided by the Boy Scouts of America and other skills, along with my passion and enthusiasm for the Borough of West Easton, enables me to help in any way that I can to make this town better for its people.”
Personally, I intend to assist Nathaniel whenever possible, should he have any questions, as I’m sure others on Council will do.
The first thing I did was to move his seat from a position that had him away from Council members, to a vacant seat among Council members (Paul James was attending by phone and his seat was empty).
I also gave him my most recent copy of, Borough News and arrangements are being made for him to receive his own subscription to the PSAB magazine that is provided to other Council members.
This morning I received word that PSAB will waive the fee for him to attend the “Newly Elected Municipal Officials Boot Camp,” offered by the PSAB to Council members, if he desires to join the two-day presentation.
Our community should be proud that a young person has shown the initiative and desire to become involved in their community by taking an active role in local government.
Congratulations, Nate! Don’t remain silent, or be afraid to ask questions. You are a member of Council, to participate and learn.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.