UPDATE 8/7/20:
This is one of the posts I’ve done that Constable Tricia Mezzacappa has twisted into some weird fantasy she has of me getting my “ass kicked by a 100 pound girl.”
Our common scold and mentally unstable constable cares little about others, which may explain why this RN can only find low-paying jobs outside her profession and doesn’t last long at them.
Rather than having empathy for this woman with an addiction at the time, Mezzacappa has attempted to locate police reports, video, and other information, going so far as to write the police that I assaulted the woman, despite numerous witnesses and the woman’s own confession to the contrary.
PS. I’m told the young lady involved in this incident is still doing well in her recovery and has gotten her life back on track. Maybe Mezzacappa can get some help, next.
On Monday afternoon a woman looking for her 6 year-old confronted a Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 bus driver and ended up punching the driver.
The local story was picked up by the Associated Press and now has pages of search returns on Google, as the AP story was reprinted in newspapers across the country.
As many know, I work for CIU 20. I also know this driver. Locally, the newspaper accounts had some facts wrong.
The Morning Call reported the woman was removed from the bus driver’s seat by police. She was in her own car seat, as she returned to her car when she saw the first police car approaching Wal-mart, where the assault took place.
The Express-Times reported that she searched the bus. She never got past the top step of the bus, as the driver prevented her access to the passenger area.
Some additional information:
The driver never responded in kind to the assault, before or after the punch was thrown, despite elbows to the body and verbal threats of being kicked in the “nuts.”
The driver’s opinion was that the woman may have been under the influence of a drug, as the incident began.
He also estimated her weight at about 100 pounds. He is twice that amount. Had he responded physically, the story may have gone from what it is now, to a lawsuit against him or his employer for seriously hurting a “petite” woman. The punch thrown by her left a small bruise at the corner of his eye.
As with the military, the response was made with “proportionate measure.” The driver saw no need to respond with any measure of physical violence in return, as he continued to block the woman’s further entry. He was aware police had been called and were en route.
Had there been children on the bus, the level of appropriate response would have risen. At no time were any children in danger.
In a follow-up story, the woman was found to be in possession of 3.8 grams of cocaine, hidden in her underwear, when she was searched at the prison.
By the way, schools are looking for bus drivers. Anyone looking for an “easy” job.
UPDATE 4/1/19
I was informed by a letter from the DA, dated March 26, 2019, the case against the young lady reached a conclusion. Since it is now concluded I can state I received the letter because I am the driver that was assaulted.
When writing the above article I felt it was best to not reveal myself publicly since this website is apparently read by more than just the local populace of West Easton, as well as anyone who might twist what I write.
During the litigation of this case I was asked if I objected to charges being reduced on the young lady. I had no objection to her being offered “simple assault.” This reduced charge allowed her to be eligible for assistance in dealing with a problem she apparently has.
The young lady was accepted in ARD (a special form of probation) and will participate in any recommended programming.
It is my hope that the help she receives will put her on a better path in life and I wish her the best for her future.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.