Local municipalities are passing resolutions that urge state representatives to support the use of radar by local police forces, reports WFMZ.com. Currently, only state police are authorized to use radar guns to time motorists speed and that arrangement has worked for generations.
Now, with local governments seeing red in their budgets they think radar will help them see more green, with increased revenue through an increase in the number of speeding tickets their officers can issue more easily.
So far, Whitehall, Palmer, and most recently, Forks Township have passed resolutions supporting House Bill 1272 and Senate Bill 1340, which would allow municipal police officers to use radar technology for speed enforcement, according to WFMZ.com.
Local officials claim they want radar enforcement to increase safety and reduce speeding, though their own statements contradict their perceived need for obtaining radar devices.
Forks Police Chief Greg Dorney stated, “The current system makes it easier for speed violators to dodge tickets by spotting officers and preemptively reducing their speed.”
As one commenter on WFMZ.com’s report pointed out, “This is the reason the public is hesitant to allow local yokels to use radar. This statement by Chief Dorney demonstrates his goal isn’t to stop speeding, which is accomplished with police presence, but rather, to issue tickets and create a new revenue stream. Part of which will go directly into his department’s coffers. Undoubtedly, there will follow the expectation from him that his officers should be able to generate x amount of tickets each month using radar.”
Chief Dorney went on to say, “With a radar gun you have the possibility to set up in different places.”
I read that as, We can set up speed traps where we can’t be seen so easily.
If the purpose of equipping local police with radar was solely to reduce speeding I would be in favor of it. The fact is it isn’t about safety. It’s about money. Local municipalities are desperate for it and they see radar as a cheap way to generate it.
Radar makes it far too easy for an overzealous officer to generate money in an effort to ensure his department will be adequately funded to avoid layoffs or cutbacks that could affect his employment.
Contact your representatives through the links below and tell them to vote against allowing local police the use of radar guns.
Senate Bill 1340: List of PA Senators
House Bill 1272: List of PA Representatives
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.