All votes are for APPROVAL of the motion. “No” votes are indicated in Red with voters identified. Abstentions are noted in Green. Councilpersons absences or early departures are noted for clarification of differing vote totals for each meeting, or vote totals changing during meetings. A Council in full attendance would have 7 members present. A quorum requires 4 members present. When a meeting loses a quorum after having started the meeting, it is forced to adjourn.
January 6 (Councilman Bolash absent, 1 seat vacant)
- Minutes from December 19, 2019 Council Meeting: 5-0
- Resolution 2020-01 Disposition of Records, 2012–2015: 5–0
- Donation of $20,000 to Safety First Volunteer Fire Company: 5-0
- Donation of $9,000 to Mary Meuser Library: 5-0
- Donation of $150 to Suburban EMS: 5-0
- Donation of $1,000 toWest Easton Scholarship Fund: 5-0
- Salary increase to $15/hour for snowplow operators: 5-0
- $19.30/hr for Maintenance Supervisor, Dane Thatcher: 5-0
- $23.10/hr for Borough Manager/Secretary, Joan Heebner: 5-0
- $16.33/hr for Borough Senior Clerk, David Gehman: 5-0
- $12/hr for Summer/Temporary Helper, Brandon Moffitt: 5-0
- To Adjourn: 5-0
January 13 (Full Council)
- General Fund Checks: 7-0
- Payments from General Fund Online Bill Pay: 7-0
- Online Payments from General Fund: 7-0
- Payments from the Debit account: 7-0
- Payments from the Sewer Fund: 7-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 7-0
- Solicitor to become involved in any litigation in regards to Right-To-Know appeals: 7-0
- Spending up to $6,000 over a three year period for the RMS Informant computer program: 7-0
- Mr. Glen Ackerman to the Vacancy Board: 7-0
- Travel Requests for Newly Elected Municipal Officers Boot Camp: 7-0
- To Adjourn: 7-0
February 10 (Councilman James absent)
- General Fund Checks: 6-0
- Payments from General Fund Online Bill Pay: 6-0
- Online Payments from General Fund: 6-0
- Payments from the Debit account: 6-0
- Payments from the Sewer Fund: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from January 6 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Minutes from January 13 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Barry Isett & Associates to develop the specifications for the $75,000 CDBG grant for Storm Drain: 6-0
- Office Dress Code Policy: 6-0
- Spending up to $700 for the new tires for Truck #2306: 6-0
- Paying up to $3,300 to Frank Bubba & Sons for the concrete work being done in front of 308 & 312 Second Street : 6-0
- Security camera system at the Police Station by Hi-Tech Security Alarms for $3,570: 6-0
- Appoint Paul James to the EAJSA until December 31, 2024: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
March 9 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- General Fund Checks: 6-0
- Payments from General Fund Online Bill Pay: 6-0
- Online Payments from General Fund: 6-0
- Payments from the Debit account: 6-0
- Payments from the Sewer Fund: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from the February 10, 2020 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Resolution 2020-14 “Resolution Opposing the PSP Service
Fee included in Governor Wolf’s Proposed 2020-21 Budget.”: 6-0 - Letter to be forwarded to PSP when Chief Mahady is ready to activate the Police Department: 6-0
- Accept the proposal from Curtis Scott Computer Service to provide IT service for the Borough office and Police Station: 6-0
- Give a 60 day notice to EZ Micro Solutions that the Borough will be ending their agreement to provide IT service: 6-0
- The Solicitor to collect Sewer fees of $1,000 or more owed by any business: 6-0
- Upon written approval from the Solicitor, Council will enter into an agreement with Verizon for the installation of the six pole antennas: 6-0
- To Adjourn 6-0
April 13 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- General Fund Checks: 6-0
- Payments from General Fund Online Bill Pay: 6-0
- Online Payments from General Fund: 6-0
- Payments from the Debit account: 6-0
- Payments from the Sewer Fund: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from the March 9, 2020 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Ratify the Mayor’s emergency declaration: 6-0
- Extend the penalty date for West Easton Borough Property Taxes from May 31st to August 31st: 6-0
- Waive late fees on sewer/refuse for the 2nd quarter billing: 6-0
- ATT FirstNet contract for 2 smartphones and 2 data devices for the police department: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
May 11 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- General Fund Checks: 6-0
- Payments from General Fund Online Bill Pay: 6-0
- Online Payments from General Fund: 6-0
- Payments from the Debit account: 6-0
- Payments from the Sewer Fund: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from the April 13, 2020 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Accept Bill Concolino’s resignation as EMC: 6-0
- Rolling over two CDs for no more than a year at the best rate when they come due in June, 2020: 6-0
- Open the park common area, but that the playground equipment and basketball hoops remain closed to the public: 6-0
- Explore alternative solutions to replacing the sidewalks at 306 2nd Street: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
June 8 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from May 11 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Changes made by Barry Isett & Associates for the pole barn
building, phase 2: 6-0
- Outside seating guidance for restaurants: 6-0
- Prepare trash bid packets: 6-0
- Replacing the sidewalks (306 2nd St.) at a cost of $8325: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- To Adjourn: 6-0
July 13 (Councilmen Nixon and Bolash absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 5-0
- Minutes from June 8 Council Meeting: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 5-0
- Additional funds of $2,238 towards engineering costs of Pole Building Project Phase II: 5-0
- Resolution – Declaring Unequivocally that Black Lives Matter and Reaffirming West Easton Policies and Ordinances that Prohibit Discrimination: 3-2 (Councilmen Mammana and Decker dissenting)
- 2 t-shirt silk-screens for Community Clean-up Crew, not to exceed a total of $50: 5-0
- Purchase rock painting supplies for not more than $75: 5-0
- Mr. Vanderburg to fill vacant seat on the Zoning Board: 5-0
- To Adjourn: 5-0
August 10 (Councilmen Bolash and Nixon absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 5-0
- Change Minutes from July 13 Council Meeting to add comments: 3-2 (Jones Brown and Dees dissenting)
- Minutes from July 13 Council Meeting with additions: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 5-0
- Transfer $25,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund: 5-0
- Transfer $250 from the General Fund to the Community Activities Committee Fund: 5-0
- Donate $500 to CACLV: 3-2 (Councilmen Dees and Decker dissenting)
- $250 for paint/epoxy – Drains Foe Rain mural supplies: 5-0
- Hire and swear in, upon approval by Chief Mahady, up to 3
part-time police officers on a one year probation period: 5-0
- To Adjourn: 5-0
August 24 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- Minutes from August 10 Council Meeting with changes: 6-0
- Advertise Phase 2 of the pole building per plans submitted by Barry Isett & Associates: 6-0
- Reinstall all the swings at both parks: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- Reinstall the basketball hoops at Gross Park: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- Send a letter to Advanced Disposal to extend contract for one year, at the same price: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
September 14 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from August 10 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Return to public meetings: 0-6 (Motion defeated unanimously)
- $20 for the art design fee to the printer for t-shirts: 6-0
- Accept the Advanced Disposal contract for one additional year: 6-0
- Solicitor send a letter to Delta Wash and take appropriate action: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
October 12 (Councilman Nixon absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 6-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 6-0
- Minutes from September 14 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Bean, Inc. contract for emergency snow removal: 6-0
- A rock garden across from Dubs: 6-0
- Councilman James to sit in, if Councilman Dees is unable to attend October 23rd meeting with Solicitor Goudsouzian for the settlement conference: 6-0
- To Adjourn: 6-0
November 9 (Councilmen Nixon and Bolash absent)
- Expenditures as presented: 5-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 5-0
- Minutes from October 12 Council Meeting: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 5-0
- Formally decline both bids received for Phase ll of the Pole Barn Building due to the bids coming in higher than anticipated: 5-0
- Resolution 2020–032, apply for LSA, Monroe County Grant: 5-0
- Resolution 2020-033 apply for LSA, NorCo Grant: 5-0
- Proposed 2021 budget for advertising: 5-0
- 2021 dates for council meetings, as presented: 5-0
- To Adjourn: 5-0
December 14 (Full Council)
- Expenditures as presented: 7-0
- Deposits and Receipts: 7-0
- Minutes from November 9 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 7-0
- Resolution 2020–034, Providing for the fixing of the tax rate and collecting of an annual tax, remaining at 11.7 mills, for the calendar year 2021: 7-0
- Resolution 2020–35, to adopt the 2021 budget: 7-0
- Advertise the Ordinance amending the ordinances at chapter 18, “sewers and sewage disposal” to comply with updated requirements of the federal EPA: 7-0
- To Adjourn: 7-0
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.