All votes are for APPROVAL of the motion. “No” votes are indicated in Red with voters identified. Abstentions are noted in Green. Councilpersons absences or early departures are noted for clarification of differing vote totals for each meeting, or vote totals changing during meetings. A Council in full attendance would have 7 members present. A quorum requires 4 members present. When a meeting loses a quorum after having started a meeting, it is forced to adjourn.
January 2 (FULL COUNCIL)
- Ordinance 2018-001 fixing the tax rate at 11.7 mills for the calendar year 2018: 7-0
- Tax Collector, Liz Hanni, to do an interim billing for adjustments of $5.00 or more in Real Estate Taxes due to a re-assessment of properties in the Borough: 7-0
- A donation of $18,000.00 to the Safety First Volunteer Fire Company: 7-0
- A donation of $8,700.00 to the Mary Meuser Library: 7-0
- A donation of $150.00 to the Suburban EMS: 7-0
- A donation of $500.00 to the West Easton Scholarship Fund: 7-0
- Open the 2018 Budget: 7-0
- To adjourn meeting: 7-0
January 8 (FULL COUNCIL)
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 7-0
- Minutes from Dec. 11 Council Meeting: 7-0
- $10,000 Engineering Fees for Gross Park sidewalks: 7-0
- $6,209 for improvements & repairs to police station: 4-1 (Lewis dissenting), Breidinger, Lake Abstaining
- To adjourn: 7-0
January 22 (FULL COUNCIL)
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Update Borough’s Storm/Sewer maps (Max of $300): 7-0
- Travel expenses for new Councilman Breidinger to attend PSAB’s Newly Elected Officials Boot Camp: 7-0
- Travel expenses for Councilman Lewis to attend PSAB’s Newly Elected Officials Boot Camp: 7-0
- Borough Solicitor to proceed with legal matters as discussed in Executive Session: 7-0
- To adjourn: 7-0
February 12 (FULL COUNCIL)
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 7-0
- Minutes from January 2 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Minutes from January 8 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Minutes from January 22 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 7-0
- Councilman Mammana, Councilman James and Junior Councilperson Kober to attend the PSAB Boot Camp for Newly Elected Council Members, in Horsham, PA on March 2-3, 2018: 7-0
- Travel expenses for Councilman James and Councilman Mammana to attend the PSAB Boot Camp: 7-0
- Replace the roof of the municipal building by obtaining three quotes: 7-0
- Install an automatic stand-by generator at the municipal building by obtaining three quotes: 7-0
- Close the 2018 Budget: 7-0
- Councilman Henry Nodoline leaves meeting.
- To Adjourn: 6-0
February 26 (FULL COUNCIL)
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Minutes from February 12 Council Meeting: 7-0
- New recycling bins to be blue (if grant awarded): 7-0
- To adjourn: 7-0
- To deny Conditional Use Application for West Easton Two, LP: 7-0
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 7-0
- Minutes from February 26 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 7-0
- $1000 donation to the Wilson Area Recreation Board: 7-0
- Moving $115,482 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund: 7-0
- Not to renew the CDs currently held by First Commonwealth: 7-0
- Accept lowest bid of $11,100 to replace the municipal building roof: 7-0
- Accept lowest bid of $4,793.00 to repair and replace the guardrail at East and Third Streets: 7-0
- Purchase of a power washer up to cost of $500.00: 7-0
- Roll over Public Works Garage Grant until next year and use it as a matching amount: 7-0
- Committing up to $25,000 for a safety inspection on the trestles crossing Spring and Iron Streets: 7-0
- Quotes for fencing to block access to the trestle platforms: 7-0
- Councilman Lewis to attend the Annual Conference at the Hershey Lodge, June 10–13: 7-0
- Councilman Lewis to attend the seminar on Understanding Street Policies on May 8, 2018: 7-0
- Councilman Lewis to attend the seminar on Ethics and Open Records Act on May 24, 2018: 7-0
- Councilman Lewis to attend the seminar on Municipal Police Department Supervision on April 5, 2018: 7-0
- To adjourn: 7-0
- General Fund checks: 7-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 7-0
- Minutes from March 12 Council Meeting: 7-0
- Plans for Gross Park sidewalks: 7-0
- The Northampton County Livable Landscapes Program Environmental Services Assistance Grant (Resolution 2018-014): 7-0
- Wilson Recreation Board to use the baseball field at Gross Park upon assurance of proof of insurance: 7-0
- Sending Rob Mahady to the training seminar, “Municipal Police Departments Supervision and Oversight.”: 7-0
- Sending Mayor DePaul to the training seminar, “Municipal Police Departments Supervision and Oversight.”: 7-0
- Renewal of the Sonicwave fire wall for three years through EZ Micro: 7-0
- To advertise and notify the public of a Conditional Use hearing during the May 14, 2018 Council meeting: 7-0
- To adjourn: 7-0
April 9 (Councilperson Lake absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from March 26 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Councilman Lewis as Voting Delegate to the PSAB Annual Conference: 6-0
- Destruction of unneeded records (paper) from 2007–2010: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
April 23 (Councilman Nodoline absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Minutes from April 9 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Delay awarding the sidewalk contract to give more time to come up with additional funds: 6-0
- Putting the pole barn out for bid with specifications meeting the Monroe County grant requirements: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
May 14 (Councilman James absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from April 23 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Cutting down of a tree and bushes along Fifth Street and the clearing of the poison sumac on the playground hillside: 6-0
- Invest $225,000 with PLGIT from the General Fund: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
May 21 (Council members Lewis, Nodoline absent)
- Award road work contract to Asphalt Paving Systems in the amount of $87,351.18: 5-0
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Minutes from May 14 Council Meeting: 5-0
- Filing a Notice Of Intent to apply for CIPP Grant: 5-0
- To adjourn: 5-0
June 11 (Councilman Nodoline absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from May 21 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Award the Gross Park sidewalk project to The Vanic Co, Inc. in the amount of $45,400.00: 6-0
- Up to $4,000.00 for Barry Isett and Associates to cover administrative costs for the Gross Park sidewalk project: 6-0
- Accept the resignation of Henry Nodoline as a Council member: 4-2 (Lewis, James dissenting)
- Deny the second Conditional Use Application by West Easton Two, LP: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- The hiring of Brandon Moffitt as summer help: 6-0
- To roll the CD currently held by Merchants Bank into a 1-year CD with PLGIT: 6-0
- $396.00 for spraying the weeds at Gross Park by Weeds, Inc: 6-0
- Barry Isett and Associates to administer the bid information for the pole building with a limit up to $2,000.00: 6-0
- Pay increase for Brandon Moffitt to $11.00/hr.: 5-1 (Lake dissenting)
- To adjourn: 6-0
July 9 (Councilperson Lake absent)
- General Fund checks: 5-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 5-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 5-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 5-0
- Minutes from June 11 Council Meeting: 5-0
- Following the above motions made, Mr. David Bolash was appointed to vacant Council seat by nomination and voice vote: 5-0
- Using $10,000.00 from NorCo Gaming Commission disbursement to match the $10,000.00 CIPP Grant for the War Monument Park: 6-0
- To submit the grant application for the War Memorial Park: 6-0
- $300.00 for Police Consultant’s test, required by Homeland Security: 6-0
- Letter to Delta Wash requesting $9,000.00 be paid in good faith and held in an Escrow account for amount owed for their Sewer bill: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
August 13 (Councilperson Lake absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from July 9 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Accepted lowest bid of $58,833 from Dutchman Contracting, LLC for Public Works Garage: 6-0
$6,500.00 of engineering costs to Barry Isett & Associates for Public Works Garage: 6-0
- $1,895.00 for gutters, downspouts added to Public Works Garage: 6-0
- Barry Isett and Associates to find and use a bridge engineer approved by PennDOT to inspect trestles: 6-0
- Councilman Lewis ends phone connection to meeting.
- Join the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce at an annual fee of $400.00: 5-0
- Increase the number of hours worked by the Borough Manager, Joan Heebner, to 40 hours per week, but reduce pay rate to $21.85 per hour: 5-0
- Borough Manager Joan Heebner, provided Key Employee medical benefits through Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce: 5-0
- To adjourn: 5-0
September 10 (Councilperson Lake absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from August 13 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Apply for the LSA–Monroe County Grant (Resolution 2018-037): 6-0
- Apply for the LSA–Northampton–Lehigh County Grant (Resolution 2018-038): 6-0
- $1070.00 for change to 36” commercial side panels for the pole barn building, instead of sidelight panels: 6-0
- Spring Street Alley tree trimming project to Woodpecker Tree Services for $5,500.00: 6-0
- Consolidating the two Ridge Street parcels into one: 6-0
- Councilman Lewis to attend the PSAB Fall Leadership Conference at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Champion, PA: 5-1 (Dees dissenting)
- To use Bean Contracting Inc for snow removal: 6-0
- New Computer Network Use Policy: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
October 8 (Council members Breidinger, Lake, James absent)
- General Fund checks: 4-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 4-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 4-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 4-0
- Minutes from September 10 Council Meeting: 4-0
- Up to $2123.00 to replace one blade on the older snow plow truck: 4-0
- Addition of $7,500 to the 2019 budget for the Engineering Sewer rate study: 4-0
- To adjourn: 4-0
November 12 (Councilperson Lake absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from October 8 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Final plan drawings for the Borough’s Public Works building: 6-0
- $450 of the Emergency Management Coordinator’s expenses: 6-0
- Solicitor to collect sewer fees owed from a resident: 6-0
- Solicitor to enforce Ordinance #966: 6-0
- Changing electric supplier to Constellation: 6-0
- Take possession of two free police vehicles from Palmer Township: 6-0
- The 2018 Lehigh Valley Mitigation Plan: 6-0
- The 2019 Council meeting dates to be advertised: 6-0
- Advertise the budget with corrections: 6-0
- Increase the amount for Emergency Management Coordinator Reimbursement to $600 and approve Emergency Management equipment & supplies of $2,400: 6-0
- No change in the millage for 2019 and to advertise: 6-0
- The purchase of a lime green portable radio for the Emergency Management Coordinator: 6-0
- To adjourn: 6-0
December 10 (Councilman Breidinger absent)
- General Fund checks: 6-0
- Sewer Fund checks: 6-0
- Deposits & Receipts: 6-0
- Treasurer’s Report: 6-0
- Minutes from November 12 Council Meeting: 6-0
- Spending up to $40,000 for police department this calendar year with the condition that purchases are approved by the Personnel/Public Safety Committee: 6-0
- Ordinance No. 2018–050 approving the millage rate for 2019 as 11.7 mils: 6-0
- Resolution No. 2018–051, adopting the 2019 budget: 6-0
- Councilman Lewis ends phone connection to meeting.
- Decline the County invitation to host a Mobile Paper Shredding Event: 5-0
- Accept the 902 State Grant for the purchase of recycling bins in the amount of $11,625: 5-0
- Solicitor to take any appropriate action regarding the collection of fees relating to the DUI Center: 5-0
- To adjourn: 5-0
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.