Kids can be spoiled, manipulative, and devious. Some, when they reach puberty, have you regretting not using a condom those many years ago, when they were conceived.
The worst of them don’t care who they hurt, or what may result from their actions. Whether they help contribute to ending a marriage by pitting parents against each other, or by being determined to undermine the authority of parents by disregarding rules, there are a few that could be described as sociopaths.
Their ultimate goal is to achieve what they want at any cost to others. They can ruin families and not feel a moment of embarrassment or shame in what they did. They may even brag about their achievements, as if it were a feat worthy of noting.
They often grow up and never change.
Thankfully, my two children, a son and his younger sister never gave me reason to think they were a mistake.
Reading the news, I have a feeling that the parents of Rachel Canning are wishing they used a contraception device. Their kid is suing them in court for money she thinks she is entitled to, even though she decided to leave home – and without good reason in my opinion.
Rachel, an 18 year-old high school student is suing her parents for the remaining tuition for her last semester at her private high school, her current living and transportation expenses, her college tuition and to pay her legal fees for the suit she filed against them.
Rachel Canning doesn’t want to be emancipated, however. That is, being recognized by the courts as independent. Rachel wouldn’t be able to sue her parents if she went that route. And this is about money, after all.
So, Rachel says she was thrown out of her parents home. She had to stay with her boyfriend for two days and nights before finding a friend who, as luck would have it, allowed her to move in with their family. It’s the parents of her friend that are paying for the attorney, should you be wondering where Rachel is getting the money for a lawyer.
You have to really appreciate parents, like John or Amy Inglesino, who think they are better parents than everyone else and have the money to support the temper tantrum of an 18 -year-old.
New Jersey’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) investigated allegations that Rachel was being abused by her parents. According to Rachel, it was her school that contacted DCPP. Not to anyone’s surprise, DCPP “determined that allegation of emotional abuse was unfounded.”
What led up to Rachel Canning’s belief that she has been wronged by her parents?
Rachel was suspended from school for truancy last October, according to court documents filed by her parents’ attorney, Laurie Rush-Masuret. Her parents told the teen that she could no longer see her boyfriend, who was also suspended from school. Car and phone privileges were also taken away. Once she learned of the punishment, Canning cut school again and then decided to run away, her father said in court documents.
It’s unlikely little Miss Canning will prevail against her parents. Not unless total insanity rules the courts of New Jersey.
Her best punishment would be to eventually realize she was a little bitch and have a couple of kids that turn out just like her.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.