I’ve been neglect in thanking some West Easton residents. On December 23rd, I saw something at the West Easton Council meeting that I hadn’t seen before. Occupied seats by residents who gave some time to attend the meeting. There were only a dozen new faces that evening, but it was better than the usual meeting that lacked people. That is to say, other than an axe grinder, myself, and the occasional visitor. No doubt the increase in numbers was because they have an interest in how the borough is going to handle police protection, a tax increase, and possibly see for themselves what happens at a council meeting. Add the two reporters who showed up and only about 1/2 the chairs were empty. For West Easton, that’s a “Standing Room Only” crowd and they were thanked for attending, at the conclusion of the meeting by the Council.
I would like to thank them, as well. For one thing, it gives me some idea of what residents concerns are and possibly my helping to answer those concerns on this website. I was only too pleased to write about the “official” West Easton website when a resident voiced his concern at this last meeting. Another reason to thank those that attend is that they see for themselves how others conduct themselves and how a story that is written by some doesn’t match up to what occurred, or that much of what occurred is never written about at all.

Even if written about completely without missing a word spoken, few can write so eloquently as to give the reader a true understanding of a resident that loudly expresses anger and threats at the council from a podium. I certainly can’t, but for those who attend a meeting where an incident like that might occur it gives them a better understanding that behind the writings, accusations, and insults from an individual is a motive that has nothing to do with truth.
And it’s apparent that ignorance is being ignored, much to someone’s aggravation.
I’m sure more than a few who attended that last meeting got a new perspective on the difficulties that face the West Easton Council in the coming year.
And what of future meetings?
More residents need to attend and take an interest in the community.
If you have a comment or concern it is up to you to bring it up as a matter of public record. Even if you have no issues, attending a council meeting simply lets the council know that people are interested in what they do, or propose, and that your opinion counts. Hopefully, many more will set aside a little time on an occasional Monday evening to attend a scheduled West Easton Council Meeting.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.