The deadline to use money remaining in previously obtained grant awards is approaching and the West Easton Council will have to make decisions at the March 11th meeting in order to use the money, before it is lost.
$10,000 of grant money was approved to make improvements to the War Monument area.
Approximately $15,000 in grant money can be used for an emergency generator to be installed for the Municipal Building.
The caveat of the grant money is that the projects have to be completed and paid for by May 30th in order to apply the grant money to the projects.
Property Committee Chair, Mr. David Bolash, will be making a recommendation to Council on the landscaper to contract with, following weeks of meeting with various contractors. Designs, quotes, and their ability to meet the deadline imposed were discussed.
The Safety Committee, in charge of the generator project, solicited the aid of our Emergency Management Coordinator, Mr. Bill Concolino, to meet with a number of contractors that could install an appropriate generator, while also being able to have the job completed on time.
Decisions on accepting the recommendations for the project contractors and their quotes will have to be made at the upcoming Council Meeting by the full council, if the projects are to be completed and paid for by May 30th.
Council will also have a decision to make regarding another grant opportunity.
This grant affords an opportunity to improve our parks.
Information obtained online indicates that for West Easton, the population being less than 5000 residents, a grant of up to $20,000 could be awarded with no matching funds requirement. The deadline for submitting an application is April 10, 2019.
Suggestions, considering the limited time to prepare an application for projects, have already been sent to all Council members, following a meeting of the Grants Committee on February 28th.
- ADA Ramp for Gerald Gross Park
- Further improvements to War Monument area
- New playground equipment as requested by a resident at a previous Council Meeting.
Council will have to decide if they want to apply for this grant and if so, what they want to use the money toward.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.