UPDATE: 12/11/15 Since publishing this item, the website has gone through numerous changes, including it’s overall appearance. Some of the planned changes mentioned here were implemented and later removed.
I’ve gotten some emails from people telling me that some articles have pictures with tags and links that have nothing to do with the picture or story. One email came from a kid in Wyoming. Got to love little smart-ass kids. Instead of just informing me of a problem, he has to tell me how his 4-H website is better than mine.
I visited his website. It looks exactly like something I would expect from a 10 year-old brat.
I’ll be thinking of his prize winning cow the next time I have steak for dinner.
After getting the first notice I checked some older articles and found that there were indeed, links and tags appearing that shouldn’t be there.
The *problem comes from some coding provided by an outside source, that I added to the website. I’ve looked at the lines of coding and it seems that the error occurs when one picture is read as being “similar” to another picture. The similar recognition may be from the folder the picture is stored in, or for another reason. It’s still being reviewed. The coding reads that I want all “similar” pictures tagged the same as the first one.
I’m working on it, as are the providers of the coding. If it can’t be corrected I will remove the feature that allows pictures to be interactive with readers, which I thought was pretty cool. *UPDATE 1/28/14 – Problem Resolved
I’ve also been trying to spend some time improving the site.
Along the sidebars you’ll see links to recent articles from The Morning Call (Easton Area), The Express-Times (Lehigh Valley), and USA Today (National). These links update every few hours.
I’ve also added links to a few blogs in the area that are noteworthy and popular, if not hated. Lehigh Valley Ramblings, Lehigh Valley Clancularius Introspective, and Lehigh Valley With Love usually have something interesting to say, though I may not always agree with them.
New to WestEastonPA.com is a snapshot log of visitors to the website, shown as a full map of the world with lighted dots to indicate a visitor’s country of origin. That can be found by clicking the “Visitors” tab along the green bar, just under the website’s header logo. I tried to make it simple to find. It doesn’t serve much of a purpose, other than to see how far people can travel through the Internet.
I’m hoping to add a bit more interactivity on the website. Sometime down the road, I want to add some simple games. Maybe crossword puzzles. I tried adding games previously, but they were poor quality and didn’t play well with the website itself, so I had to remove them. Conflicts in coding are always a pitfall when trying something new.
You’ll find a new area on the website called, **Puzzles on the green bar. It has a Wordsearch game and a new one will be created every Sunday. I plan on adding other puzzles.
**Update 1/28/14 – Added Sudoku Puzzles
I’d also like to add 2 new categories to WestEastonPA.com: Recipes and Gardening.
However, for these categories, the addition of them would require some outside assistance in the form of contributing authors. I have enough to do fighting crime in the city of Gotham.
If you would like to post recipes, or gardening articles, you can contact me below. You will receive full credit for your submissions.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.