I drove onto the 200 block of 6th Street today when I learned of a complaint about a vehicle leaking oil. I expected to find a small spot of oil, as occasionally happens from cars.
What I found was a parked truck with a fresh oil slick extending from the vehicle, as the oil spread down the sloped street. As I watched, I could see the slow, but steady, drip, drip, drip coming from underneath the motor.
This wasn’t something that just occurred, as both sides of the street had evidence of numerous areas where this truck had been parked previously.
It’s no wonder someone reported it. I don’t live on that street and I’m disturbed by its appearance.
Personally, I’ve owned some ugly cars, but the ugly was the paint job. They weren’t in disrepair, nor did they ruin the asphalt or the parking areas of neighbors.
As you will see in the pictures I snapped, the owner of this vehicle must know his truck is leaking worse than the Trump White House.
I can sympathize it might be an expensive proposition to fix it, if it happens to be rear crankshaft seal (I have no idea – it might be as simple as a loose oil pan plug), but doesn’t the owner have the common courtesy to put a pan under his truck when he parks it?
This borough is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to get our roads resurfaced and we have the Exxon Valdez spilling oil onto it. That oil eats into the road surface, eventually destroying the binding that holds the small stones together.
Let’s all spend more money repairing something that somebody decided to muck up through ignorance or just plain not giving a sh damn.
Today, the borough has asked nicely, through a letter, that he correct the problem. If it isn’t corrected, I’ll volunteer to deliver the citation citing the ordinance violation and the fine that goes along with it.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.