What might be expected this year? Here is a review of the few items that I mentioned in 2019 and will carry over into 2020, with a couple of new ones added.
The Roll-out Of Our Part-time Police Department
While West Easton did swear in a Police Chief in 2019, following the completion of required government paperwork, part-time officers still have to be hired for the roll-out to be completed. The computer system was installed, as well as telephone and other services. SOP manuals will be coming before Council for approval and an evidence room is in the final stages of completion.
Roll-out will likely happen sooner than later this year.
The 7-year plan to mill and resurface all roads in the Borough wasn’t started in 2019. While it could be put off again, delays would eat into the time we bought ourselves in slurry sealing roads. We could eventually end up with roads that mirror the conditions in 2015, if too many years pass before getting started.
Proper milling and resurfacing of a road offers an average of 15 years life to the road (depending on traffic and other factors), but is more expensive, which is why it is planned over a 7-year period. A decision will have to be made on whether to delay the start again, to obtain additional funds from state awarded Liquid Fuels money, or to begin with a few roads in the borough.
Public Works Garage
Phase II of the PWG was put off in 2019 while awaiting word of grant awards. Council hoped to get started on a $112,600 Phase II Project that would achieve installing numerous items. Due to one grant award being lower than the anticipated amount, Council has reduced the scope of Phase II to $77,600 to avoid making up the difference from the lower grant award, by using taxpayer money. Items removed from the initial plans of Phase II will be moved to Phase III and additional grants will be applied for.
Should additional grants be awarded early enough in 2020, Phase II may be readjusted again, to reflect the additional money received.
The War Monument Area
The planned improvements to War Monument Park were achieved and paid for with grant money. These included removal of trees, improved landscaping, and the addition of a Memorial Fountain. The area is designated a passive park (no enticements for children to play). Future grants will be sought to make further improvements, such as handicap ramps, sidewalks, and decorative fencing.
Roll-out Of Emergency Alert System
Back in October of 2017 an Emergency Alert System using text messaging was approved by Council. It would provide the ability to inform residents of emergency or unsafe conditions in the borough. Conditions such as a snow emergency, or the recent closing of an intersection due to a damaged utility pole would have residents notified faster than the use of a Facebook post. More than 100 residents chose to opt-in to the system and money was allocated for its use.
I’m hoping the Alert System will get accomplished in 2020.
Opt-in can be done by filling out a form located at Borough Hall, or you can download it HERE.
Police Department Communication To Residents
Following the roll-out of the part-time police department I think it would be helpful for residents to know what matters our Chief of Police wants to advise the public.
While the suggestion of adding something to the quarterly newsletter from the Chief could be done, space would be limited. I’d like to see either a section of the borough website for the police department notices, or a Facebook page that residents could easily access to see provided updates, as he feels necessary to distribute.
Safety tips, call totals, etc. could be summarized and provided to the public faster than waiting for a monthly council meeting, or a quarterly newsletter.
Sewer Charge Billing Change
It is expected the Sewer Authority will be raising the cost of usage to West Easton and other communities. West Easton has been billing a flat rate to residents in which the bill for total water usage in the borough has been evenly divided between residents and businesses.
Under this system, those who don’t conserve water pay the same amount as those who do.
A different billing system should be implemented that charges for actual usage, with a higher rate charged to businesses, as is normally done in other communities. Use more, pay more. Use less, pay less.
Definitely going to apply for more grants. With an approved police department, West Easton is now eligible to seek out grants that assist police in getting equipment and improve public safety.
I Hit The Next Half-Billion Dollar Lottery
In 2019 I expected to hit a $1 Billion lottery. I’m more realistic this year. I’ll settle for a smaller island and yacht when I only win $500 Million.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.