What is expected this year? Here are a few items planned for 2019.
The Roll-out Of Our Part-time Police Department
With the paperwork requirements fulfilled and approvals obtained from the State of Pennsylvania and Homeland Security, it’s only a matter of getting SOP manuals done, the building work completed, such as telephone, Internet, and security services installed, and remaining equipment needs purchased and in place. Though still much to do, I anticipate the part-time Police Department will be active sometime this year, starting with Mr. Mahady being sworn in as Police Chief, to be followed with part-time officers.
The 7-year plan to mill and resurface all roads in the Borough should begin. The last 3 years were spent slurry sealing all the roads in order to save them from total failure, as all were in need of work. Slurry seal can offer protection for about 5 years and was a stop-gap measure.
Proper road reconstruction is a far more expensive project than slurry seal, which is why the borough will take 7 years to complete them all. The worst roads will be done first, followed the next year by a few more roads, and so on. At the end of 7 years all roads in the borough should be completed. This reconstruction process of a road offers an average of 15 years life to the road (depending on traffic and other factors).
Public Works Garage
The building being erected completed Phase I of the project. Phase II, in which another grant has been applied for, hopes to achieve water, sewer, and electric connections. Building codes require a bathroom area in the building. A cement floor will also be added. Security cameras and fencing should be added to the building.
The War Monument Area
The area has received a grant for $10,000 to make improvements. The borough is matching that grant amount with $10,000 from the NorCo Gaming Grant disbursement. The $20,000 will be spent with the hope of installing a fountain, benches, and landscaping (which may include the removal of some existing trees – one of which eats our flags). A survey may be needed, as nobody seems to know the true land boundaries of the area, following the redirecting of Spring Street that once ran behind the back of the property. The area will be designated a passive park with no enticements for children to play and only intended for those who enjoy solitude and reflection. Future grants will be sought to make further improvements.
I Hit The Next $1Billion Lottery
Yes, this is more of a personal expectation, but will probably make a few people happy. While I’m sunning myself on my yacht, they can point to the house where I used to live – before I became filthy rich and bought an island.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.