When the the polls close at 8:00 tonight, I will include the unofficial results that are obtained from the paper printout that will be posted shortly after that closing.
For now, I will give you a report of what I do know is happening at the polling area.
As of 10:30 this morning, when I stopped by to vote, I found Mayoral Candidate Dan Depaul and Council Candidate Jeff Breidinger, Jr. outside.
Jeff has hot coffee and donuts available for those who are taking the time to exercise their vote on a day that has seen temperatures turn cold.
Voter turnout seems light so far.
I was voter #61. By the time I left at 11:30, I would guess that number had risen to approximately 70. I’m expecting the day to see voters slowly trickle in, with possibly a heavier turnout after residents return from work this evening.
I hope that all eligible voters will go to the polls today. There is an important Homestead Tax question on the ballot.
As for me, I could not remain at the polling place. If I could have taken the day off I would have, but work requires me to be back on the job.
187 residents voted in West Easton. The breakdown of voters were 103 Democrats, 69 Republicans, and 13 “Other.” Two additional absentee ballots were also counted.
MAYOR (Uncontested)
Dan DePaul (D/R) 136
COUNCIL (4 Available Seats)
Jeff Breidinger, Jr. (D/R) 154
Matthew A. Dees (D/R) 123
Paul James (D) 102
Desiree Lake (D) 84
Betty-Jo Bonners (R) 75
UPDATED 11/8 11:30 AM for changes in vote totals, as provided by NorCo (includes absentee ballots)
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.