Councilwoman Janie Jones Brown, the Chair of the Parks & Recreation Committee has plans to get West Easton adults and kids more involved in the community.
Mrs. Jones Brown brings an excitement to her position of Chairperson. She hopes to breathe new life into community involvement and pride, and in doing so will be making the Parks and Recreation Committee more than just a decision to approve Wilson Borough using the ball field each year.
If you read the latest Borough Newsletter she has already been thinking of ways to beautify the community through projects and events.
This spring, plan on an “Art In The Park” event, as residents will be encouraged to bring a small or medium sized stone to paint with a design of their choosing. The date will be announced when firmly determined.
Janie would also like to see a, “Keep America Beautiful” clean-up date for the borough, that hopes to have residents participating in picking up litter and debris around town.
The Parks & Recreation Committee may also be looking into the possibility of painting a mural (most likely, on the building at the park), seeking to bring the community together with participation and teamwork from volunteers.
Another idea in its infancy is a Storm Drain Mural (SDM) Project that could possibly earn some much needed credit to MS4 requirements.
The SDM Project would see the painting of storm water drain areas with small murals that would be focused on making residents aware that everything that finds its way to a storm water drain feeds directly into the Lehigh River.
SDM projects have been well received by other communities throughout the country. Supplies associated with certain projects may also be eligible for grant money.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.