Democrat Councilman Tom Nodoline has joined Republican Candidate Tricia Mezzacappa this primary election.
Councilman Tom Nodoline is up for re-election this year. Tricia Mezzacappa is making a fourth attempt to obtain a seat on Council, despite the fact she has a lawsuit against the Borough.
Republican Mezzacappa put out an invite to Democrat candidates Desiree Lake, Jeff Breidinger, and Betty-Jo Bonners to meet with her and Thomas Nodoline at a local eatery, Panera Bread, according to two of the Democrats invited.
The invited declined the invitation.
Once bitter enemies, Tom Nodoline and Mezzacappa have apparently developed a truce between them as they seek to influence the results of the May 16th Primary.
Gone now is Mezzacappa’s blog, West Easton Foot Print, when Mezzacappa would superimpose Nodoline’s face onto a Wizard of Oz scarecrow while mentioning a 7th grade education, or putting his face onto an image of an orange jump-suited prisoner in handcuffs, calling for him to be jailed.

Click image to enlarge.
Also gone are the days of Councilman Tom Nodoline, telling anyone who would listen, that Tricia Mezzacappa is “psycho,” “crazy,” “dangerous,” and other similar descriptors. His anger at Mezzacappa from her assailing him and also former Council President Kelly Gross, whom Mezzacappa also used photo imagery against (placing her head, with bulging eyes and horns, on an obese body) seems to be forgotten now, as they have a newfound camaraderie toward an ultimate goal.
Tom Nodoline, having been Kelly Gross’ puppet during her tenure as Council President, has accepted a new hand to guide him and it may have been his only alternative – seeking Republican voters who he believes Mezzacappa can deliver as write-in votes.
He certainly took notice in 2015 when Kelly Gross was knocked out of the Democrat Primary by 3 newcomers and an appointee. Tom Nodoline and Kelly Gross were synonymous and those same Democrat voters will be returning to the polls in May.
Tom Nodoline is the last vestige of the old Council and his failure to act in the best interests of the Borough from the start of 2016 has him needing help wherever he can find it. Even if it means joining with Republican candidate, Tricia Mezzacappa.
He may think that people will forget his removal of borough computers, the ordering of computer hard drives drilled, violating the Municipal Records Retention Act, the dismissal of office personnel, trying to convince our only road worker to look for another job because the incoming Council was going to fire him, and his lack of attendance or no votes on most everything that comes before him, but I doubt they will.
West Easton residents seem pretty satisfied with the changes that the present Council has made and what it has achieved, while overcoming the roadblocks he helped put in its path.
He has gone from riding shotgun on the Council to taking a backseat. I expect he will find himself out of the car completely.
Democrat voters will have only 5 good candidates to choose from, in deciding which 4 to send on to the General Election in November.
Tom Nodoline isn’t among the 5.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.