Much to my surprise at the March 27th Council meeting, Councilman Tom Nodoline actually brought up a toilet when trying to deflect his involvement in West Easton’s Computergate, in which computers were removed, hard drives ordered drilled, work stations locked out with undisclosed passwords, and files wiped of information important to borough business.
That doesn’t even include the amount of work the paper shredder was subjected to, before the 2016 Council entered the building. There is no way of knowing what was shredded, since none of the data or documents destroyed by Kelly Gross and Tom Nodoline was noted, or retained, in violation of The Municipal Records Retention Act.
To this day, Kelly Gross email files from 2012 forward have never been recovered. The former IT person, working under the direction of Kelly and Tom, informed the new IT person who was trying to find them, that he was ordered to wipe the emails shortly before the 2016 Council took their seats.
Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli cited, “Prosecutorial Discretion” when declining to prosecute a criminal case. He never said there was no case. After Morganelli’s decision, Council voted to take no further action. Pursuing the matter in a civil action would have cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars. In the end the Borough still wouldn’t have the wiped information, or restitution.
It would be best left to voters, when Tom Nodoline came up for re-election.
But, let’s compare all that, to a used toilet that Tom Nodoline finds the most important thing, thus far, in his campaign to get re-elected. With all the problems he caused our Borough and those the Council faces in the future, he is focused on a toilet.
A toilet initially destined for a landfill is, to Tom Nodoline, Borough gold.
In early 2016, the bathrooms at Borough Hall were renovated with about $1200 worth of work in order to make them more compliant with ADA requirements.
Two used toilets were replaced and the old ones were given to the plumber to remove from the building for disposal.
At the time, I had a tank that had a hairline crack and it would leak when filled. Somebody suggested I take one of the removed ones, but I wanted to make sure they were headed to the landfill first.
Waiting until the plumber took possession of the used toilets and they were on his truck, to make sure some idiot didn’t claim I stole a toilet from Borough Hall, I made a deal with the plumber to acquire only one for my personal use. The plumber delivered it to my home and I put the toilet on my back porch until I was ready to replace my leaking one with the one I got from him.
“Somebody” took a picture of it sitting on my porch and it is apparently Tom Nodoline’s “smoking gun” of an issue. Tom Nodoline concluded that I have a “surprise” coming because, “May is a long month, Buddy.” He is only half right, in that quote. May is a long month. Apparently, like the Hillary hack, Tom intends to make this toilet his own campaign centerpiece. I think it’s an appropriate symbol for him to parade in front of voters, as he tells them of his accomplishments being their Councilman.
Tom claims the plumber didn’t own it and it had to be destroyed. I guess that argument explains his actions in destroying Borough computers? He didn’t own them, so he could remove them in the dark of night, and had to destroy them?
I’ve figured out a way to make this up to all you taxpayers. Everyone can use my toilet.
Except Tom Nodoline. I can’t risk him clogging it up with his huge load of crap.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.