Any person with a stable mind and rational thinking would keep a low profile when facing a trial in which they are being accused of an irrational act. They would attempt to project an image of normalcy.
Constable Tricia Mezzacappa, as many throughout the area know, is cut from a different cloth.
With her trial date having been delayed one day, to February 9th, she apparently found the extra day of grace as an opportunity to shake her fist once more, before answering the charge of filing a false police report.
It’s unknown if the County will pursue charges of her having jumped bail, when she failed to appear for trial on an earlier scheduled date and spent a night in jail, after she was picked up on a bench warrant.
On her most recent FB agenda of hate was, as usual, me. Though, she didn’t forget others. Mayor Dan DePaul got targeted by her venom, as did a resident with whom she has directed her vitriol in the past.
While her public rants and posts have become laughable, it is still disturbing to see her attack a private citizen for something an alleged family member is accused of.
I write, “alleged,” because Mezzacappa isn’t sure it is a family member of a local resident, but she nonetheless threw it out to public to ingest, implying that it is, because the person has the same last name as the resident.
Update 1/26: After reading this post, Mezzacappa has now identified the family member of the private citizen as a granddaughter, and wants me to repeat her attack on the resident. Mezzacappa is beyond reprehensible.
Attacking a person’s family is a favorite tactic of Mezzacappa. As I said, she has no filter and anything, even if it isn’t dirt, will be twisted to meet her needs.
I think the biggest laugh I get is when she requests video of me driving, because she actually increases my paycheck. I’m paid for the time it takes me to bring my vehicle to the office and wait for the video to be downloaded, before returning to my designated area.
Meanwhile, she wastes what little money she has, paying for flash drives, and then wastes her time trying to find something to complain about, as she watches hours, upon hours, of video.
Another laugh is provided when she requests and posts my pay amounts. Something anyone can locate on a certain public website that reports public employee pay, but she touts each delivery of information as a great, Right To Know victory.
She requests and posts fuel usage for my work vehicle. Maybe she believes it runs on water, or I’m selling discounted fill-ups to the next cars in line at the pump?
She requests and posts GPS coordinates of my bus route. Is she trying to locate the secret lair of the children eating cabal of Democrats her QAnon friends have told her about?
She’s even requested my personnel file, emails, and correspondence from my employer.
But, according to her, I’m the stalker.
The only thing she accomplishes is wasting taxpayer money, as she wastes the time of numerous staff in Administration, who instead of focusing their attention on special needs children, have to divert their time to answering her blizzard of Right To Know Requests seeking information on me.
It’s just the bottomless rabbit hole she started down many years ago. She doesn’t get that her personal vendettas are of no interest to anyone except her.
Other than entertainment value of watching someone self-destruct, nobody cares what she thinks, what she says about those she hates, her QAnon conspiracy theories, or her warped reality.
However, one item of interest is contained in one of her manic screeds.
She claims that she isn’t going to run for re-election as Constable. This, of course, is the fault of everyone else. Her own bizarre behavior over the last 10 years has nothing to do with it.
She knows West Easton residents wouldn’t have voted her back into the Constable position. A position she used to intimidate neighbors if she was bothered by their car muffler, honking a horn, a child made noise next door, or she wanted to believe she was a real cop who could have their car towed.
The 10 people who voted for her the first time, when she begged for write-in votes outside the voting area in 2015, realized the mistake they made in thinking it was a joke. They weren’t going to repeat that mistake.
With all the troubles Mezzacappa has now, they may get worse, if she is found guilty of filing a false police report.
Not only will she be answering to the Judge for that one, but I’m hearing the party she falsely accused will be filing a civil suit against her, should she be found guilty.
With a conviction from the county to back it up, a civil suit is an almost effortless win for any lawyer, and could lead to a forced sale of what little she owns.
Update 1/31/21: Corrected to reflect change in Mezzacappa’s court date moved to 2/9. Snowstorm required her trial date to be moved.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.