Section: Opinions

The Changes In Dog Ownership And Breeding

doberdauchBack in my youth, my old man always had a couple of dogs. None were trained and they were kept in a pen in the back yard, to be used for hunting. The problem was, he never spent any time training them. He was under the impression that because they were beagles, he could set them loose in a field and they would become some type of champion hunting dogs through “instinct.”

What resulted every weekend was the inevitable “running of the hounds,” as I referred to it. Once he released them from the back of his pickup truck they would tear off into the field, flushing out every bird and rabbit they got the scent of, and always too far off in the distance that made bagging the game impossible. This was followed by my old man’s colorful cursing, using words and phrases that made me accustomed to what I eventually heard again, when serving in the Navy. Continue reading

Preliminary Report: Five Running For West Easton Council Seats, Two Appointees MIA

Lehigh Valley Live website has provided a preliminary list of candidates running for elected positions in Northampton County. Among the list are those seeking to serve on West Easton Council. Surprisingly, it seems not all candidates filed for both 2- and 4-year seats available, but there is a possibility that unprocessed paperwork may be available tomorrow, that could change this information.

As of close of business today: Continue reading

ISIS Cutting Own Throat With Beheadings

Islamic State (IS), formerly ISIS, is bringing together an unofficial coalition of unlikely allies, as IS continues its terrorism in the Middle East by beheading those who aren’t Muslim, or even “true Muslims.”

Journalists, International Aid Workers, and Christian priests, among others, have been recorded, as they were beheaded, and those recordings uploaded to the Internet. Continue reading

Celebrating VD

vdcardIt starts with a slight irritation and progresses into a burning sensation that has you looking for just the right remedy that will have you finding relief.

That’s right, it’s Valentine’s Day.

You knew it was approaching and dreaded the thought of having to get a gift that fit the relationship status you’re currently in. Continue reading