New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is being thrown under the George Washington Bridge by former ex-Port Authority official and high school pal, David Wildstein. Continue reading
Section: Hot Topics
Pennsylvania Should Heed Warnings of Fracking Earthquakes In Ohio and Texas

Fracking wells are being drilled in many states throughout the country – not just Pennsylvania. If you’re happy with fracking because it saves you a few dollars on your gas bill, consider how much you’ll be saving when you need to buy your drinking water, or repair your home after an earthquake. Continue reading
West Easton Police Plan Moves Forward
This evening, Mayor Gross spoke about the progress of West Easton implementing its own Police protection. A need for our own police is the result of Easton Mayor Sal Panto refusing to renew the contract that provided Easton police to our borough. Continue reading
Better, New, and Working Website Built By Three Guys
A healthcare cost website that works has been completed by three individuals that aren’t on the government payroll. It works and they didn’t charge taxpayers a dime. They named it, Continue reading
Obama Health Care Fines May Not Be Enforcable
One of Obama’s Health Care’s most controversial elements is the requirement that most Americans carry health insurance or face a fine. The Treasury Department in August released a 75-page guideline detailing what’s expected and who is included. Continue reading
Health Care Act Help For Veterans and Children of Veterans
If you are a veteran, or a child of a veteran, USAA can provide you assistance in obtaining Health Care. For veterans and children of veterans who aren’t familiar with USAA, you can CLICK HERE for a previous article Continue reading