Section: Hot Topics

If You Use The Internet You Need To Know What “Net Neutrality” Means

net-neutralNet Neutrality is a term you may hear used on occasion and you likely have no idea how it affects you, or what the controversy is. However, just reading this article on your computer means you should know how the loss of it will affect your future use of the Internet.

It has to do with speed and cost. Continue reading

The Angry German Kid Can’t Get A Gun (Video)

angry_german_kidMental health problems aren’t just an American problem. This German kid went ballistic back in 2006 playing a multi-player killing game tournament on the Internet. The game wouldn’t start fast enough for him and he wasn’t performing well in it. Continue reading

The Internet Security Bug “Heartbleed”

660x341xheartbleedA major new vulnerability to encrypted data, called Heart Bleed could let attacker hackers gain access to users’ passwords and fool people into using bogus versions of Web sites. Some already say they’ve found Yahoo passwords as a result. Continue reading

Turkey Planned False Flag Operation Within Syria

turkey-false-flagTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ban of YouTube occurred after a conversation was leaked between Head of Turkish Intelligence Hakan Fidan and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu that he wanted removed from the video-sharing website. Continue reading