Section: Going Green

Governor Corbett Fracks Over Pennsylvania

corbettFor those of us who live in Northampton County, we don’t hear a lot of news about fracking being used in the oil and gas industry. That’s because most of the fracking being done in Pennsylvania is taking place in its western and northern counties.

For those unfamiliar with “fracking,” other than it being used as an expletive that replaced the F-bomb word on a science fiction series years ago, fracking is far more than a curse word. Although, using it as such in relation to how it is affecting our ecology and health is appropriate. Continue reading

GMO Food – The Monsanto Monopoly That Could Be Killing Us (Video)

monsantoThis past growing season I planted a garden in my backyard. I had a friend come in with a 4′ wide tiller and turn over an area about 20′ x 24′. I then ordered a few cubic yards of organic soil from a local nursery. I created my garden for a number of reasons. Continue reading

Recycle “Anything With A Plug” Event

electrical_plugWest Easton is hosting a spring cleaning for all those items with a plug that isn’t allowed on normal trash days. You’ll be able to get rid of them on April 27th by bringing them to the Borough Hall parking lot. This “Anything With A Plug” Event is open to everyone. Even those who reside outside the Borough of West Easton. Continue reading