Incumbent Councilman Robert Lewis lost his bid for re-election when Republican David Bolash prevailed as the third place finisher in the 4-year races for Council. Bolash finished behind Democrats, Mammana and Nixon.
It was a surprise result in the Democrat stronghold of West Easton, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than 100 voters.
The vote totals appear to indicate possibly 30 Democrats rejected Lewis as a DINO. Lewis was elected as a Democrat in 2015, served on Council as a Republican, and then switched back to Democrat in this election year, when his seat was at risk.
It turned out to be a not often seen result in which there are the same number of sitting candidates running for office, as seats available, but one was at risk if a certain result in the 4-year race occurred.
That possible result became reality in the West Easton Council races when Ron Nixon filed for both a 2-year and 4-year seat, and ultimately won both.
Nixon winning a 4-year seat meant that one of the other 3 candidates running for a 4-year seat was left without a chair. None of the other candidates running for a 4-year seat filed to run for a 2-year seat.
The other 2-year seat was won by Council appointee Janie Jones Brown. Mrs. Jones Brown only ran for a 2-year seat. Both 2-year seats were uncontested.
Since Nixon won both a 2-year and 4-year seat he can now choose which seat he wants. He will announce which seat he will choose, at a future date.
The seat he rejects will be given to Council for them to decide who they will appoint for 2 years until the next election cycle in 2021.
The unofficial final results are:
4-Year Council (3 Seats)
(D) Pete Mammana 117
(D) Ron Nixon 111
(R) David Bolash 101
(D) Robert Lewis 79
2-Year Council (2 Seats)
(D) Ron Nixon 108
(D) Janie Jones Brown 100
UPDATE: 11/6/19:
1.) Following a recount, due to county-wide voting machine problems, Councilman Bolash gained an additional 2 votes (Total shown has been updated).
2.) Final numbers indicate 210 registered voters participated in this off-year election (208 Machine + 2 Absentee). That’s just over 27% of registered voters in West Easton.
3.) 26 Democrats and 24 Republicans voted a “Straight Ticket.”
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.