A visit to local stores are once again showing signs of hoarding, only this time it isn’t toilet paper.
It seems to be disinfectants and sanitizers. Sam’s Club has been emptied of Clorox Wipes and other cleaning products. Hand sanitizers have disappeared in some stores and it seems more consumer goods associated with the need to disinfect during the pandemic are getting in short supply again.
Indications are the hoarding started taking root when the first school districts announced plans to re-open, despite rising cases of Covid-19.
Some local school districts are reporting that close to 40 percent of parents are responding to surveys that their children will remain home for remote learning. Of those going to school, an average of about 20 percent of the parents won’t have their children transported on school buses.
Obviously, many parents aren’t on board with the push by President Trump to re-open public schools, when his son’s private school will remain closed and is offering only remote learning.
Re-opening plans are being forced upon local school districts to develop on their own, with a CDC that has succumbed to the will of a President who wanted guidelines relaxed, from those it initially published.
For many parents, confidence is low that schools will remain open despite the best efforts of districts and their re-opening plans to prevent infections.
Some parents I spoke with are expecting outbreaks of Covid-19 to occur and they are stocking up in advance of it.
There are more than 1.7 million school age children in Pennsylvania.
In Northampton County there are approximately 44,000 K-12 students, any of which could be asymptomatic carriers.
Updated 8/1 to note change in Trump’s son attending school remotely.
Disclaimer: On January 4, 2016, the owner of WestEastonPA.com began serving on the West Easton Council following an election. Postings and all content found on this website are the opinions of Matthew A. Dees and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the governing body for The Borough of West Easton.