Dear Neighbors,
Now that the Primary Election has closed I want to say “Thank you” to not only those who voted for me, sending me on to the General Election in November, but to all who took the time to cast a vote for their choice of candidates.
This Primary was hotly contested, as indicated by our 30.1% turnout. Not a bad percentage in an off-year election, when compared to a neighboring community, like Wilson Borough, with an average of 10.6% for their 3 wards.
This is not only a Thank you letter, but also one to convey to all residents that I will no longer respond to wild accusations, innuendo, or misinformation that will likely continue until the General Election.
The people have spoken through the majority and I am going to take the high road, relying on my past performance on Council and any future accomplishments that I hope can be achieved through the remainder of the year. I will no longer respond to personal attacks, or other attempts to impugn my character.
Our Borough has many challenges ahead and I will continue working with other members of Council to meet those challenges in a fiscally responsible manner, without diversion. I will make my voting decisions on motions presented based on what I believe will be in the best interest of all West Easton residents and our great community.
As always, should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email me using the contact information provided on the Borough’s website. I may be working and unable to respond immediately, but will respond ASAP.
Most Sincerely,
Matt Dees
West Easton Councilman